OtherPress. Room 1020-700 Royal Ave. Douglas College New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 WEBSITE: theotherpress.ca STAFF LIST Natalie Serafini Editor-in-Chief Meditor@theotherpress.ca Eric Wilkins Assistant Editor Massistant@theotherpress.ca Angela Ho Business Manager Chris Paik Distribution Manager Cody Klyne Layout Manager Joel McCarthy Graphics Manager Mike LeMieux Production Assistant Ed Appleby IHustrator Jony Roy Social Media Coordinator Angela Espinoza News Editor Minews@theotherpress.ca Michael Sopow Sports Reporter Cheryl Minns Arts Editor Marts@theotherpress.ca Chitwan Khosla Features Editor Mfeatures@theotherpress.ca Sophie Isbister Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle@theotherpress.ca Elliot Chan Opinions Editor Mopinions@theotherpress.ca Sharon Miki Humour Editor Mhumour@theotherpress.ca Staff Writers Brittney MacDonald Cazzy Lewchuk Mercedes Deutscher Senior Columnists Adam Tatelman Steven Cayer Patrick Vaillancourt Andrea Arscott Columnist Julie Wright Chandler Walter Contributors Kirsten Scott-Wuori Ride (just ride) he first few months of my term as EIC have been a veritable roller coaster, quandary, and pleasure. I stepped into the role, green as our floors—due in equal measure to fresh-facedness and : : and my weeks frequently : become blurs of work, school, : more work, and more school. : Still, the experience thus far : has reinvigorated my love : for this newspaper, even as : Ido become cynical at the : inevitability that another : problem will be around the : corner—there’s always a new : day anda new problem to solve. anxiety—and was bombarded with issues right outta the gate. I hope that the problems which have arisen haven't been apparent to the readership, but suffice to say there have been issues ranging from dismissals, resignations, changing paper stock quality, the cutting and adding of sections, and the usual day-to-day dilemmas that naturally plague a student publication. I hate to pepper this Lettitor with clichés and worn-out metaphors galore, but it’s been a wild ride so far. [had a feeling leading a student newspaper would be tumultuous when, after recounting some of the problems I encountered to previous EIC, the OG Jay-Z YOU GET IT?! THINGS WILL NEVER SETTLE DOWN.” : Put otherwise, sitting at the : : helm ofa newspaper is a bal- : ance of harmonious and hectic, : that you hope will be the former : : but often leans to the latter. Granted I grind my teeth more than I ever have before, It’s been through this twisted version of whack-a- : mole that I’ve come to see even : more clearly the dedication of : this paper's collective. I’ve had : to come to the board of direc- : tors and my steadfast crew of : editors for input a lot, and each : and every time they've had my : back. While I still occasionally : feel like Bambi trying to steady Gibb, his response was “DON’T : himself on the ice, the pack : of wunderkinds who work : for the Other Press is more : than any gal could hope for. ® Get to know us! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. Weare a registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member ofthe Canadian University Press (CUP), a syndicate of student newspapers that includes papers from all across Canada. © The OtherPressreservestheright to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. Which brings me toamore : : sentimental farewell to two : of said wunderkinds as they move on to bigger and better : things in their lives. Life & : : Style Editor Sophie Isbister and : : Layout ManagerCodyKlyne — : : have been in their positions : and with the paper for years. : Inrecent months, they’ve : decided the time has come to : hang up their hats and make : way for the next generation. There are no words to : describe the talent, intelli- : gence, sass, humour, patience, : creativity, and dedication that : these two possess; I will forever : admiretheirabilitytoturna : : phrase, work hard for incredible : : results, and still see ways for : themselves to improve, inaddi- : : tion to helping out with other : people’s problems. Mr. Klyne : in particular has beena source : of guidance to me since I wasa : newbie contributor to his EIC : years ago, and has remained so : from his wheelie seat as Layout : Manager, always ready to whip : around and lend an ear or joke. Iso wish these two could : stick around sever, but they’ve outgrown their Other Press : britches, and knowing them : as people, coworkers, and : friends, they’re bound for : great things. Thank god I get to see them outside of the OP. Sophie and Cody moving : on opens the door for new faces, : new minds, and new talents to : fill the Other Press collective, : as the old guard shuffles out : of our oddly decorated office : and into the next phase of their : lives. The two of them have : helped make the paper what it : is, and I’m excited to welcome : inthenext troupe, to help : make the paper what it will be. For now though, I wanna wish Isbister and Klyne the best : on their road ahead. To very loosely paraphrase Lana, “live : slow, die whenever. Be wild, : and have fun. Believe in the : person you want to become. : Believe in the freedom of the : open road. And ride, just ride.” Hello gorgeous, Natali Scrafini Editor-in-Chief @ theotherpress.ca | +f facebook.com/DouglasOtherPress | twitter.com/theotherpress youtube.com/user/theotherpress instagram.com/theotherpress