OPINIONS |() Point: Harding’s Wise Policies Deserve Praise Ae Right Hook J.J. McGillicutty, Political Haberdashery Fifty years from now, when great men of letters are writ- ing the tombs of history of the 20th Century, the figure of President Warren Gamiel Harding will likely loom large on their pages. At the present moment, the American Republic is uniquely blessed to possess a presi- dent of such immense political stature, wisdom, and valor. Though his term may be far from over, it is clear that the President’s numerous grand accomplishments have already earned him a proud legacy as one of the most able statesmen ever to preside over Christian society. Citing a comprehensive list of the great man’s achievements is quite a task in itself, so exhaustive is the selection. In diplomatic circles, to begin with, one may praise President Harding’s tireless work in the pursuit of international peace. Showing the brilliant far-mindedness that has characterized so many of his proud deeds, Harding has negotiated extensively with all great powers of our modern world, from Imperial Japan to the Imperial Britain, and created many important internation- al treaties as a direct result. Chief amongst these is of course the San Francisco Declaration of 1921, a landmark charter which once and for all clearly denounced the very concept of foreign war as both “unpleasant” and “complicated.” If this writer may be permitted to make a prediction, I dare say that it is all but certain that decades from now the 1920s will be remembered as signaling the dawn of a new era of centuries-long international peace and global stabil- ity. In the implementation of this noble goal, Harding deserves the lion’s share of the credit. But notable as these achievements are, the fair President’s accomplishments go far beyond the mere realm of foreign relations. On the domestic front, Mr. Harding has not failed to equally impress the Republic with his bold agenda of progressive policy. His sharp tax cuts have proved to be an immensely popular, and there- fore sound, economic policy, with many of the nation’s leading financial minds lavishing high praise on the sophisticated “saunter down” philosophy of Hardingnomics. Clearly, the stones have been laid for a new “golden era” of economic prosperity to soon envel- op the United States, during which both rich-man and pauper alike will be able to revel in a magnificent bounty borne by unrestrained capital. Institutionalized compassion is indeed one of the President’s strongest suits. During his tenure, to cite but one example, political funding to provide “well-fare” moneys to immigrant laborers and syphilis victims has climbed to an all-time high of nearly two-thirds of a per- cent of the federal budget. Similarly, his recent statements on the need to improve Negro/ American relations are equally bold and heartening. Though he may have alienat- ed some of his conservative base with his statement that lynchings are “not always” the most efficient form of law enforcement, his bold words nevertheless deserve praise for their remarkably tolerant character. Should the Southern colored man ever be educated to the point where local authorities deem him qualified to cast a ballot, it seems clear that the Republican Party would unques- tionably be his voting party of choice. Harding’s policies have made the man a great titan of the political realm. His active agendas for establishing lasting peace, prosperity, and co-operation are far-reaching and permanent in scope, and likely to go down in history as some of the most important and memorable political developments of the 20th Century. To-day, when we think of America’s greatest Presidents, the names Washington and Lincoln usually leap quickly to mind. In 50 years, will the name Harding become equally revered? The opinion of this author is a resounding yes. Counterpoint Harding’s Sober Demeanor Deserves Accolades (Slightly Less to the) Right Hook I.W. Reevley, Political Rebutter I must humbly disagree with my well educated but, nevertheless, severely misguided colleague. While it is true that the foreign, economic, and social policies of our good, fair, God-fearing President Warren G. Harding are both practical and well envisioned, it is clearly his active social life and chummy connection with John Q. American that make him such a formidable president. Born the son of a humble doctor and a midwife in small town Ohio, Warren—or Warry, as his friends know him—lived a difficult life that helped him connect early on with the average American. After attending college, like all intelligent boys of the day, he went on to rub shoulders with Americana as the manager of the Marion Daily Star. Facing stern competition from the Marion Independent, Harding not only bested owner Amos Kling at the press game but went on to marry his daughter. Now that’s a victory Americans can get behind! As senator for the state of Ohio, Warry realized that far too much emphasis was placed on voting and proce- dure in congress. To this end, rather than wasting his time voting on lame-duck issues such as women’s suffrage, Harding skipped about two-thirds of these votes to go meet with his public. The man could often be seen social- izing with his fellow man down at the local boy’s club while government was busy wasting time and paper. Now it would be foolish to say that Harding was elect- ed entirely on his good looks; it is reasonable to say, how- ever, that when compared to Cox, Harding’s a spring chicken to Cox’s lamb dinner. The President and the First Lady no doubt fill this great country with an immense sense of pride every time they make a public appearance. And oh the appearances he makes! Whether it’s spring- time golfing, bi-weekly poker showdowns, or taking in a Yankees game in his private box, the President is out showing America he plays their game. With this plan to understand the average American in mind, the President intends to leave next year on a Voyage of Understanding, to take his message to the American people from coast to coast to coast. He will become the first president to visit Alaska and will make a brief layover in Vancouver, Canada, to show those Canucks what a real leader looks like. His trip will no doubt be a brilliant success and will lead him further down the road to becoming one of this nation’s greatest presidents. They can’t hurt you now. Warren! Keep on flying.