David Lam The Coquitlam Report Marcel Martin side of the building as you ascend the massive concrete steps leading he David Lam Campusis to our beloved campus. alive with action. At both locations, the racks are In October 1996, under cover. Many students in the students at the David Lam _ Fall Semester were reduced to campus elected their first student handcuffing their bicycles to the representation: Coley Mansfield as | wheelchair ramp at the south side. Vice President; Ivor Shanks and This was the only place where the Robert Tang as David Lam Reps; environmentalist physical fitness Laura Selman as University crowd could secure their prized Transfer Rep; and Colleen Jeffrey motion machines without leaving as Developental Studies Rep. them out to rust every time it ime has come and gone, and rained. like any political government, Secondly, chairs in the atrium things do eventually happen. and lockers are being discussed. I First, we now have bicycle racks. know discussion isn’t as good as At the north entrance there are two _ the actual items, but all things take sets: one is perpendicular to the time. other. The rack at the main en- In other news: equipment trance is a little harder to find. Itis | reported missing in action over the smack dab in the middle of the left _ fall semester has not been located, A CRUDE MAP OF 2rd yr At DAVID LAM CAMPUS cacti OCH real mina panes Pa A ite 9 but steps have been taken so the next generation of equipment will not meet the same dismal fate. Smile folks, you’re being videotaped! There is a camera situated at the south enterance that captures everything in its path. There are cameras set up at other locations too. Remember: Big Brother is watching you. The controversies keeps on coming. Patrons of the cafeteria have discovered that to make mocha, they need to pay for botha coffee and a hot chocolate, even if they’re only using half and half. I know the freeze on transfer payments has left the college scrambling for cash, but this is just petty. If you don’t like what's going on, anywhere, write us a letter. Student Rush Nights! wEXelusive savings of 50% off for Vancouver Canucks & Grizzlies games vANCOUVER Come on in. Vancouver Canucks Vancouver Grizzlies vs. Hartford Whalers vs. Sacramento Kings ’. Fri., Jan. 10 @ 7:00 pm Sat., Jan. 11 ¢@ 7:00 pm Vancouver Canucks vs. San Jose Sharks on., Jan. 27 @ 7:00 pm Vancouver Canucks Vancouver Grizzlies vs. NY Islanders vs. Denver Nuggets ., Jan 30 @ 7:00 pm at., Jan. 25 @ 7:00 pm Tickets start from just Tickets start from just 20.50 12.75 Present your valid student photo identification - anytime up to an hour and a half (90 minutes) prior to gametime - at any TicketMaster outlet or at the Orca Bay Box Office at General Motors Place (Gate 10). ORCA BAY SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT Discount applies to prices ranging from $18.25 - $53.00 for the Grizzlies, and $40.25 & $47.75 only for the Canucks. Limit of four tickets per student per game while quantities last. Prices include GST but are subject to applicable service charges. Offer only good for games listed on this flyer. Offer can- not be combined with any other promotion. 6 January 211997 The Other Press