ree me 3 eC .. Comix aes to the US... Yessir, th Ths didn+hst| : “w7 Ong. * wt Bob Bik then he it clear, your Sinvsesl met a magic Pd got Oo new job Qove PSd the ie Gow he woke u And realized he wos just lost in the mail. Heyl Alll You Hi drinking, abiter divorce, Wannabe and a career ing d : 2 fol Doodlers, was a wreck. Here's Your ur once Tamous lebri Gd Row drole Chance Uo Become r\ Real, Publicized Inspired by his friend’s words, Cartoonist/ our hero decided ee : Graphic i ou ) ORE iam ron ial) \ - land of fame, ey! Avrtist. Come fortune, and , each ball come fo Down To “The outrageous = 7 paycheques ... } a . \ OTHER oo PRESS “And Draw Till Your Fingers Fall Finally, Wacked Man decided SY : that he would return to the man We it land of video games, , (PLUN KI) from which he had his I've fallen, humble beginnings and only a foo! We Can Be Found In Room only to discover that things neue ger ue: 1020 Dreaming About Being had changed considerably Somewhere Else Entirely since his departure ... Imelevant And Probably 1.B.C. Fantasmic celebrities making a comeback... Heyl Where did thatt beach ball come from? Unfortunately, none of his attempts proved successful. Wg