INside QUOTE of the MONTH © The human mind is like an umbrella -- it functions best when open. * Walter Gropius, German Architect February 1, 1994 The Douglas College Newsletter Curriculum creators The Psych Nursing Department is working towards a new curriculum (story, page 5). Pictured here is the Curriculum Committee: (front, left-right) Jean Gunderson, Jeanette Mossing, visiting expert Dr. Delores Gaut, Anna Helewka; (back) John Crawford, Maureen Mackey, Kathy Liebert, Mike Tarko. Get set for the census Set some time aside. On February 8 all Douglas College employees will be asked to complete the Employment Equity Census. The census results will be used to develop a statistical profile of our workforce to aid development of a fair and workable employment equity strategy for the College. The need to address the equity issue was acknowledged by both the DCFA and BCGEU in their latest contracts and is articulated in a policy prepared by the Employment and Educational Equity Committee. The committee, with representatives from faculty, staff, students and administration, has outlined three guiding goals and principles ina policy statement. The first affirms that all people, regardless of "gender, sexual preference, race, colour, religion or disability" must have an equal opportunity in employment and education. The second principle sets out the desirability of attracting more people from under-represented groups into the job-applicant pool; the long-term goal is to make our workforce more reflective of the communities we serve. That’s what makes the census so important, says committee member Susan Ashcroft of Learning Resources, pointing out we have Census continued on page 2 Donation boosts Ecology Institute Backed by a $250,000 endowment donation from the Real Estate Foundation of B.C. to fund its ongoing operations, Douglas College’s Institute of Urban Ecology has unveiled a five-year project plan which addresses a number of local environmental issues. The list of future projects includes advocacy work to make the New Westminster campus a "green college", a study of islands in the Fraser River, toxic waste inventories and energy policy reviews. The plan also calls for a follow-up on the institute’s 1993 Urban Ravine Study through restoration projects with community participation. The new fund allows the institute to be the first permanent one of its kind ina Canadian college. The endowment will be managed by the College Foundation which is actively seeking matching funds from other donors. Interest from the endowment will facilitate the hiring of a part-time director, selected from College faculty, to Ecology continued on page 4 inside INside... President’s Report............ 2 College Briets........:..-.-- 3 Enrolment strategies .......... 3 Events Calendar............. 4 Pension advice...........:... 4 Zieroth judges national award... 5 INside Zone................- 6