Macucenr Voyacers ‘THE US. EXPLORING EXPEDITION, 1838-1842 A SMITHSONIAN EXHIBITION The collections from this expedition romance and adventure than the formed the basis for the National Smith- birds, and zoological specimens, charts and paintings—will be exhibited. At the heart of the exhibition is a re-creation Few sagas of the sea embody more | | United States Exploring Expedition | sonian Institution, More than 500 items of of 1838-1842 led by U.S. Navy Lieu- the global scientific expedition—ethno- tenant Charles Wilkes graphic artifacts of the Fiji Islands, Hawaiian Beginning October 3 At dending | | Islands, and the Pacific Northwest, plants, December 27, 1987, the Washing- ton State Historical Society eee tacoma — of a stateroom on the sailing ship Vin- host the prestigious eas Smith ton Insti: cennes and the spectacular Fijian club dance. A massive mural of Antarc- tica and a tremendous Fiji Ribbon Man overwhelm the spectator. The Washington State Historical Society Museum invites you to tution’s traveling exhibit of the Wilkes Expedition. This museum is one of ee travel with the Wilkes Expedion as nation—includin you explore the Magnificent Voy- — g ae i the National Muse- agers exhibit and retrace the sights vam OF Natural His- and sounds of adventure and tory in Washington, exploration in the 19th Century. D.C., the Museum of Natural History in New Washi ; ashington State ie OR eae Oe Fee Historical Society Museum Y Museum in Massachu- OCTOBER 3 THROUGH DECEMBER 27, 1987 setts—to host Magnificent oerinae Voyagers. Of the host museums, Tues.-Sun., 10. am.-4 pm. Tacoma is the only site visited by the Museum Hours Wilkes Expedition. Commencement Bay, 1 Ta ° nee a es.—Sat., Evenings, 6:30-10 pm. named by Wilkes, is where the exploring (By Reservation Only) and charting of Oregon Territory and the in- Closed: Mondays, Nov. 26 and Dec. 25. land waters of Puget Sound began in 1841. (206) 593-2830