News Releases BUDGET FOR 1977 D.C.'s operating budget for 1977, approved April 18 by the Ministry of Education, includes funding for an expansion of the Richmond campus, as well as a continuation of funding for the new Coquitlam campus. The approved budget will allow the college's operations to remain at approximately the same level as last year's, and will mean a mill rate increase of only .03 from 197 last year, to 1 mill this year. Even with this increase the college mill rate in the Douglas region remains Principal Dr. George Wootton. The average cost to school districts of the 14 community colleges in B.C. is i. 62) mie The $8.95 million budget will go to the Douglas College Council for review at its May 5 meeting. The question of funding for new D.C. centres in other areas of the region is still under discussion between the ministry and the college, said Dr. Wootton. The present amount budgetted will allow the Richmond campus to expand from its present size of 46,000 square feet, to 60,000 square feet, with renovations beginning next month for classes in September. The lease expanded premises is in the process of approval, and will mean an expansion of the Business Clerical and Drafting programs on that campus, as well as an increase in the number of units of general studies courses. Local families will have an opportun- ity to participate in. the English anguage Immersion program to be held n the Richmond and New Westminster ampuses of D.C. May 23 to June 30. about the lowest in the province, noted DOUGLAS Cubis.we mien ARCHIVES ~ Some 50 to 60 French-speaking students are arriving from the province of Quebec to take part in the program, and a search for suitable accommodation is underway. A total of 620 students, most from rural Quebec, have been accepted on the Summer Language Bursary Plan to come to B.C. Capilano College, UBC, the University of Victoria, and D.C. are the host institutions in this province. A portionrof each aia has been allotted for accommodation in the homes of English-speaking residents. Anyone who is interested in providing a billet for a French-speaking student is asked to call 596-6341 or lo. 212/S. Meanwhile, 688 similar bursaries will be given to B.C. students to travel to other parts of Canada. The program involves 43 institutions across Canada with a total of 7,100 students. In the brutes program, mornings will be devoted to formal classroom instruc- tion, small conversation groups, films and special projects. Some time will be set aside for cultural and recreational activities both on and off campus, including tours, sports, and plays. Weekends are reserved for excursions or extended outings such as day-long trips to various parts of this area. On the outside... BURNABY ART GALLERY An evening with Louis Dudek (Montreal poet) May 2nd 8:00 p.m. FREE