Saturday Dec. 1/73 G) CLASS OF 1984 Special: “Class of 1984” Is a two part look at the present and future of our educational establishment. Pt. 1: “What's the matter with Johnny?” Follows the parents of a second- grader with learning problems as they search for the right school for him. Pt. 2: “What kind of world will Johnny be living in?” Looks at John- ny’s senior year in high school. What will be the educational opportunities then and what can Johnny do to im- prove the existing system? Hosts: Jim Harriott and Jean Enerson. (®) THE PEOPLE OF PEOPLE's CHINA—Documentary Special: Inside the People’s Repub- lic of China. This report “attempts to tell the human stories of China... to show the difference between the Official propaganda line and the real- ity of Chinese daily lives.” Corres- pondents Ted Koppel and Steve Beil spent six weeks traveling across the country. “Unlike Antonioni's free-form China documentary,” says Koppel, “this hour offers structured profiles of Chinese in the cities and the countryside.” Among them: a stud- ent, farmer, Industrial worker and members of the People’s Liberation Army. (60 min.) Sunday Dec. 2 /73 10:00 © G@ DAYS BEFORE YESTERDAY —Documentary “For King and Country” documents events contributing to the growing maturity of Canada under Prime Min- ister Mackenzie King (1939-1945). Historian Bruce Hutchison tells how the King administration demonstrated Canada’s independence from Britain * by the declaration of war and the terms—no conscription of Canadians for service outside Canada. Film footage of the period shows Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis, who calls a provincial election in protest of Canada's entry into the war and Is defeated. In Ontario, the federal gov- Ources in its war policy. (60 min.) 10 : 00 @@ HUMAN JOURNEY —Documentary Special: ‘How We Adapt” examines the effects of stress, how our bodies cope, and the relationship of diet and exercise to mental and physical health. Dr. Hans Selye of the insti- tute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Montreal explains the biochemical body changes required to deal with bad. or good news. Stress on the heari is dramatized in an experiment with newsman Harvey Kirck, whose heart was manitored during his stint as host of the 1972 election coverage. It soared from a normal rate of 66 beats per minute to 102. Also examined: the effects of adequate diets on unborn children. tructional res ins tv iewhing D WAL me 7 ety mph OUCLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY 2 “Monday Dec. 3/73. 20 10:00 @ NATURE OF THINGS What is the future of our civilization if it continues on the present course? Possible answers are examined by the Club of Rome, a group of scien- tists and economists from around the world. Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, founders of the club, discuss the problems caused by the popula- tion explosion, energy and food shortages, and the socia! and polit- ical unrest. Dennis Meadows, co- author of the controversial “Limits to Growth” study, discusses the study and its implications for West- ern society. Also sharing their views are Saburo Okita of the Japan Economic Research Centre. (60 min.) Tuesday Dec. 4/73 8:00 CG) WAR AND PEACE The battle front is quieter than the home front in Part 3 of “War and Peace.” Pierre is provoked into a duel with Dolohov, Helene’s lover, while Nikolai and Sonya plan to mar- ry despite the protests of the Coun- tess Rostova. (90 min.) ..Wednesday pec. 5/73 8:00 @ THIS LAND—Documentary Developing one of the world’s last : remaining frontiers—the Canadiar North. “The Mackenzie Pipeline” ex- amines the possible effects a pipe- line would have on Canadian politics, the economy, wildlife and the native people of the North. 10:00 @) WEST MEETS EAST—Musile Special: An unusual musical biend— Ravi Shankar, master of the Indian sitar, and virtuoso violinist Yehudi Menuhin. Cameras observe them in rehearsal and in performance at a 1967 Human Rights Day Concert at the UN. ernment is attacked for lack of vigor , Business films to be shown: "Market" and "Motiv- -ation" Room: 322 N.W. Time: 12 - 2 pm Thurs. November 29 (Inform your students and others that might be interested.) Two Highly recommended films from the National Film Board. STLLt" - a Zilm showing how the game of share the wealth is played on a world scale. "Child Behavior = You " - a perceptive guide to what motivates child behavior, and how to drawout the best in a child.