1ONC=-TERM DISABILITY (Income) Not available. Participants in Group Life Insurance Plan also participate in this plan. Benefit is 60% of normal salary pay- able to age 65. Participants tn Group Life Plan also participate in this plan. Benefit is 61% of normal salary payable to age 65. Up to three days for bereavement in immediate family. Three days on compassionate basis as defined by Rursar. ‘Ihree days upon bereavement in imme- diate family. Walf a day to attend a _funeral as pallbearer. In extenuatin circumstances, college may grant additional leave with pay. g LEAVE WITHONT PAY As required foy union business by executives of union, and for personal reasons Lf this doeS not interfere with efficient operation of college. Available in special circumstances providing leave does not interfere with efficient operation of college. Available in special circumstances at discretion of college, providing absence dues not -interfere with effi- cient operation of college. LEFF RRED SAVINGS One and one-half per cent of salary deposited in trust fund on employee's behalf, providing employee contrib- utes equal amount. Not available, Not available. GRATUITY PLAN For each year in which there has been no absence due to illness, employee receives credit for three working days' pay to a maximuni of 120 days. Gratuity paid in cash upon termination of service, or as paid leave upon retirenwent if 10 years' service completed. Employee with three years service can take up to 20 days paid leave as a debit against gratuity yet to be earned. Not available. q Not available, Pg ER TTT 5 ~ PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOP MENT No financial support for employee taking any training or upgrading of this nature unless employer has specifically required employee to taxe course. No financial compensation for up- grading unless employer has specifi- cally directed employee to take course. Employee is entitled to take one free course each semester, but on own time. mployee taking « course deemed of value to the college is elipible ta receive reimbursement ior 50% of costes If purpose fis to enable empisyee to apply for-anotler position within the college, or to be unsraded ta posi- tion, or to maintain present quali- fications, no financial support Js payable. Employee entitled tc take one free credit course each scenester, but on own tine, “4