itt ae ad ets oe Bed Wiles Co yoy e os Reel Next to godliness: A brush with makeup > Three ways to clean your makeup brushes, and why you should do it Sophie Isbister Senior Columnist fyou're a person whe wears makeup and you currently wash your makeup brushes regularly, gor! for you! Reael on anyway, because in this article | will outline a few budget-friendly ways te hlast your brushes free of caked-on concealer, foundation, and powder, If you're a makeup aficionada, ane you don't clean your brushes, please don't feel badd about your failure te freshen up your arsenal; we've all been there, Nobody ever popped out of the worl knowing how to clean absolutely everything, We're all in this together! Brushes need to be washed regularly hecause they are used on the delicate skinaf your face, Their dense bristles and fine hairs can harbour bacteria that, if not cleaned away, can sneak inte your pores and cause breakouts, Most beauty experts recommend a quick clean of your brushes after cach use, using a daily hrush cleanser, Extra-gunky brushes or beauty blenders, like the kinel you would use for liquidl foundation, necel adcep-cleaning once a week, All other brushes need a bi-monthly cleaning, For this article, | tested three different cleaning methods using preducts found in the drugstore, or items lalready had around the house, There is no nece to break the hank on faney silicon mats or drop sgo.on an automatic hrush-cleaner, Affordable ane casy-to- find products will work just as well, The first product | uscel was Quo's spray-on brush cleanser, You use this preduct by wetting the bristles of your hrush and then spraying the product onte the brush, Rub the brush inte the palm of your hand te work up a lather, then rinse The fatal frequency of the brush clean under lukewarm water. I find that I need to use a lot of this product to get the desired lather, and it is not particularly useful for my foundation brushes. Solid cleansers are growing in popularity these days, so [ picked up another Quo product to use for this article —the Gentle Goat-Milk Cleansing Balm, which is around $15 at the drugstore. You use them by simply wetting the brush, rubbing it on the balm until you see the dirt lift from the brush, and then rinsing the brush clean under water. You also need ta rinse the surface of the balm clean so it's ready for the next time you use it, I loved the smell of this product, and found it was very effective at cleaning eyeshadow and blush brushes, It was more effective than the spray at cleaning my foundation brushes—but still not great. love DIY cleaning products, so when | read that people were cleaning their brushes with coconut oil and Dawn dish soap, I had to see what all the fuss was about. The concoction was easy enough to make: Graha bowl and mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, acupof water, and a squirt of Dawn dish soap (Dawn is recommended because it’s less abrasive than other detergents). Microwave the mixture for a minute or so, until the oil melts, Onee you have your DIY cleanser made, start giving your brushes a little bath in it. Swirl the bristles around, and then rub them gently as all the excess product squeezes out. Then rinse thoroughly under running water until the water runs clear. This was by far my favourite method, and the only thing that got my foundation brush completely clean As with all methods, once your brushes are clean, reshape the bristles, and place them ona hand towel to fully dry, preferably overnight, l hope you learned a bit trom this column, and happy cleaning! If > New study in marine pollution proves problem worse than we thought Brittney MacDonald Life & Style Editor new study published on February 16 in he online journal Frontiers in Marine Science claims that the microplastics problem that environimentalists have heen warning us about for the last 1 or so years is far worse than anyone could have imagined—especially for Canada, The study, Frequeney of Microplastics in Mesopelagic Fishes from the Northwest Atlantic, combines the research efforts of 8 different marine scientists from around the world, and claims that over 73 per fish in the Northwest cent of mesopele Atlantic contain microplastics, This is a steep increase comparcd to previous findings that claimed that it was closer te percent in the North Atlantic and 35 percent in the northern Pacific Ocean, Mesopelagic fish are net typically consumed by humans, but they are a fooel source for various other fish that are, as well as several marine species that are vital to the marine ecosystem, The reason why these findings are sa concerning is that the microplastic fragments can absorh chemical pollutants, creating a toxicity within the fish itself, This toxicity can then transfer to any predator that consumes the fish, which can then indirectly contaminate various seafood meant for human consumption, The microplastic issue could also cause a global population drop in mesopelagic fish. As more and more fish are affected, the inflammation caused by the microplastics will result in reduced feeding, weight loss, and eventual starvation. One of the possibilities for the number differential between previous studies and this one is the inclusion of plastic bres used in textiles. Previous studies have eliminated the fibres on the grounds of possible contamination from the lab space where the research was done. However, careful consideration of this, and extensive examination of the filters used within their labs ensure that ne contagion from the space occurred, According to the study, “As we did not observe any fibres on the filters used as blanks, we argue that fibres do indeed make up a large proportion of microplastics and are not of airborne nature.” Essentially this means that the majority of the bres found within the fish they examined existed in their systems prior to the fish being caught you have any comments, questions, or ideas for topies you'd like to see covered in my cleaning column, email microplastics and examined forensically, The study goes on to say that the amount of mastic fbres present in their samples is most likely duc te North America’s dependence on washing machines, as well as our fashion industry's use of synthetic fabrics, The existence of these fibres is found far less in more under-developed countries where handwashing clothing and natural fabrics are more common, The microplastics issue has been on the global radar for some time now, and has prompted many countries te work towards a complete ban of them by 2020. Perhaps these latest findings will push Canada closer to making that areality, Ifyou would like to read the study for yourself, it is available online for free at articles /10.3389/fmars.2018.00039/full Protos by Sophie Isbister