om DANTE In the past year and a half, I have become a completely different person. How, you ask? The details arent important. What is important 1s the end result because that end result defines who we are as human beings. I've had the misfortune of being betrayed by friends, suffer- ing from depression, overeating and...the list goes on. This may sound nermal to some of you but I assure you, it was an extreme sit- uation for everyone involved. However, I have had the pleasure of watching a child, who was scared by the events going on around him, slowly grow up and take charge of a new life. That child was me. This raises the question, why am I writing this? This semester, I've had a wonderful opportunity to begin to put my life back together socially. I’m surrounded by new faces and people that I would bend over backwards for. It truly feels like I've been given a second chance at life. Unfortunately, not all good things in life come without a cost. I've also had the displeasure of seeing how truly ugly some peo- ple can be. For example, I know someone who works for an organization Frown Canada’s Brewery Nia Es that has opinions about a particular group. In an organization, one 1s expected to conform to what is considered the norm. However, even . though a person is under a lot of pressure to con- form, they should still be able to think and decide for themselves, what is right and what is wrong. Instead, the individual in question decided to ‘hate’ the entire group that this organization disapproved of. Yet he can call someone from that same group, friend, and accept assistance from somebody else within that group. Some might say this person is able to separate business from pleasure, but I can't agree with that. If a family offers to put you up for a weekend and you have a bad expe- rience with a family member, does that give you any right to ‘hate’ that entire family? A different example is that a group of people seems to take offence at everything Reverend Tom says, and yet their entire way of life is supposed to be centred on understanding, knowledge and love above all else. I’m not com- ing to the defence of Tom's ideas. At one point, I probably would have criticized him for what he writes. However, the one thing that escaped me is that we were given the gift of free will; the S ays given right to form opinions and ideas. Should Tom, regardless of what his opinions are, give up that right? I’m reminded of what an old teacher once told me, “If we werent allowed to debate and to make choices, we would just be robots. ” If an opinion is put for- ward and you cant agree with it, dont hate the opinion holder for something you can't agree with or dont understand. Instead, why not think about what was written. Perhaps it will lead you to some new insight. Didnt Jesus say, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?” Finally, in the winter 1998 semester, it came to light that thousands of dollars had been embezzled by some members of the DCSS. Students were screwed out of their hard earned money. Why is it that students were able to steal from other students? It’s pretty pathetic that within an institution full of smart people, some of those smart people feel the need to metaphorically stab others in the back. Regardless of the consequences, the fact is that ‘A group of people seems to take offence at everything Reverend Tom people did know about this and someone should have spoken up sooner. We may never know all the details but students have a right to those details and the assurance that the ones who committed the crime were found. I’ve been lucky enough to have been given a second chance to make a difference in my life. I’m not going around preaching love, peace and all that. I am talking about tolerance and consideration among ourselves, and what I’m saying is that maybe it’s about time everyone in this school who hates someone or something, stops hating and truly appreciates what they have in life, where they are and the position that they're in. This is Christmas. Take the time to look around and see where you've come from. You might find that the child within you needs time to grow up. Life is precious, don't waste it on petty insults when you could be doing something useful instead. More people should ask the same ques- tion that I did: What am I grate- ful for? The Bus is Better. Available at any Greyhound Canada location in Western Canada. For further information in Vancouver call 482-8747. Standby. t's a sucker's game. The pages of your life are blank. Grab a pen. Greyhound Western Canada Student Coach Card. 25% off all your Greyhound Canada travel in Western . Canada for one year. For only 15 bucks. New this year, get 20% off Gray Line City Tours in Vancouver & Victoria when you show this card. The Other Press December 9 1998 Page 4