the other press Op-Ed Mach 5, 2003 ockey Ilom rin Culhane pinions Editor don’t want to go to the gym. I don’t like running. I don’t own a bike. don’t want to own any Pilates videos. These were just a few of the excuses that I had for my doctor last ear when he asked me what | did for exercise. "Cause yeah, I don't lo anything. I’m out of shape in a big, bad way. But all that’s about jo change... Poke A few weeks ago I was at the arena for parent-and-child skating and woman named Raelynn approached me, eyeing my well-used hock- y skates. “Do you play hockey?” she asked. When I said no, she said, You should come out and practice with us.” “Us” was the Frogstone rillers. And as of my first game on Sunday, I am now officially get- ing the exercise I need. Since I only own gloves and skates, I borrowed gear from three dif- erent sources (Thanks Dave, Trevor, and Aaron), and made it to the irst practice. I liked it, so again I borrowed gear for power skating. I iked that, so I signed up for women’s beginner hockey through the eisure centre. Since the only requirements were stick, skates, gloves and helmet, I didn’t bother borrowing the rest of the gear. I don't bwn a pair of jogging pants so I wore my loosest pair of jeans and a eatshirt. Look at me all sporty and ready to play. When I got to the ink, everyone was in full gear. Look at me all nerdy, but still ready to play. While stick handling and puck control is a foreign and frightening oncept, I can skate pretty well, which is apparently half the battle. I have to thank my dad for that, who paid for and drove me to figure kating for ten years, even though I couldn't so much as land a single eB; As a real hockey player, I felt it was time to purchase my own equip- ent, and between my son's hockey practice and my scrimmage on riday night, I had two hours to buy everything I needed. I was on a hockey-gear-buying mission. I was thinking it would be nice to have matching equipment, but the sales clerk told me that “hockey players lon't match.” Oh right, that’s me—a hockey player. Or at least part bf me. I still managed to find matching shoulder and shin pads in right white and navy blue—pretty, Uae RV aaa aa I tried to convince the guy that I could fit into youth pants (they NAS 11g DES FORCES CANADIENNES ere much cheaper and almost the same colour as the blue on my bads). He humoured me while I pulled them my knees. Okay, : . PART-TIME CAREER _ vES Possipiuités DE cARRIERES OPPORTUNITIES A TEMPS PARTIEL jo it’s grown-up pants for this woman. I pulled them on and went to ake a look in the mirror. Hello? Where were the mirrors in this place? found one across the store, ignoring the what-a-weirdo stares. ; ith full make- i ad Ter ee Se ae i é .: oe ete ae Be part of our team and take pride in your Faites partie de l'équipe de la Réserve de ee See ee ee eee ee a career. In the Canadian Forces Army Armée de terre. C’est avec dignite et eans? Sheesh. I asked the clerk, “Do these make my ass look big?” He Reserve, we: fierté que nous sommes : ooked at me kind of scared, ‘til he realized I was only kidding. ¢ Are dedicated to serving Canada * au service des Canadiens, autant au learly, my butt looked huge—the more padding the better. I had to at home and abroad pays qu’a l’étranger ro to another store to buy a helmet and mask, and protective crotch- * Work in a challenging environment ¢ appelés a relever des défis passionnants ear, which is called a “Jill.” How cute. ¢ Learn leadership skills * engagés a développer nos competences My seven-year-old son Tarin watched my first game on Sunday and ae en leadership hen I emerged from the dressing room, with my red face, noodle Take up the feel ae P . egs, and every muscle in my body screaming, he jumped up, all excit- today’s Army Reserve. Just look at what Une Canis Oe Sent de la Reserve de Bae ‘ we offer you! Armée de terre, c'est bien plus qu'un d, gave me a hug and said, “Mom, you played great! . : : “Really?” I asked. We Ik ab | al. Hi Hi « A wide range of career opportunities simple emploi. Nous vous offrons : Rane ae ee ee Pare eeeral FAEG COIN * Practical hands-on experience * de nombreuses possibilités de carriéres el played great after the game. Not mentioning that after the first ¢ Help with paying for your education ° "occasion d'apprendre en travaillant 0 minutes it looked like I was skating through cement. Not a word * Voluntary overseas missions ¢ de vous aider 4 payer vos études bout giving the puck up in my own end at least three times, or when * de participer a titre volontaire a des hit the puck with everything I had, 360-ed and landed on my arse. missions a fetranger st that I'd played “great.” He called me “famous hockey player” for Earn up to $8000 toward your Etudiant? Jusqu’a 8000 §$ disponible en aide he rest of the night and while I was tucking him into bed he said, post-secondary education! financiére pour vos études post-secondaires Mom, you're the best.” Call 39 Canadian Brigade Group Contactez le 39¢ Groupe-brigade du Canada “Why is that?” I asked or visit our website at ou visitez notre site web au Because you love hockey and you play hockey and you're awe- The Army Reserve La Réserve de l’'Armée de terre “sa THINK ABOUT IT PENSRZ-Y Oh my. Is it okay for hockey players to get choked up? With sup- STRONG. PROUD DECOUVREZ VOS FORCES ee etd TODAY'S CANADIAN FORCES. DANS LES FORCES CANADIENNES. Bring on the 2010 Olympics. Move over Wickenheiser—Culhane’s 7 n the ice. C ut 1 800 856-8488 oe, Mae anada www.