MAD HATTER 10 COLLEGE EDUCATION COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS continued WHEREAS the Committee applauds the Applied Programs Division Education Committee for its initiative in addressing the issue but suggests the policy must take into account different forms of instruction and therefore different types of evaluation found across the College, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that rather than attempt a piece by piece redevelopment, that a College-wide review committee be struck composed of one faculty member with expertise in assessment and evaluation from each Division, with one administrator and staff support to review the issue and recommend a revised policy calculated to replace Policy E04.01.05, Student Evaluation. The Committee to report in September. W.L. Day will inform Management Committee and Deans. Douglas College Goals and Objectives Gerry DellaMattia commented that the document before the Committee is a composite of the draft Goals and Objectives and the advice received during the CEC/management workshop held in January. It was the general feeling that the workshop was very useful. Administrative Management Diploma Program A concern was raised that the function of the governance system is unclear when incomplete courses and programs can be implemented without governance system approval. Following considerable discussion the following motion was passed: THAT the matter be referred to the staff for review and that a report be available for the next meeting. Policy Review As time did not permit review of policies, those policies for review will be brought forward to the next meeting: E02 .04 Language Competency E02.05 Grading and Assessment E02 .06 Institutional Relations E02.07 Occupational Education Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on March 11, 1987 4:15 p.m. Boardroom,