—————— ~1 AC COLLEGE jELAD VYVLEeEMe ARCHIVES | ‘MAD HATTER 13 MEMORANDUM TO MAD HATTER From: MARY MATTHEWS January 30th, 1986 RE: NEW ACQUISITIONS — AUDIO VISUAL DEPARTMENT IN THE LIBRARY Abortion: Stories for North and South 16 mm 54 mins. Women have always sought ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies despite powerful patriarchal structures and systems working against them. This film provides an historical over- view of how church, state and the medical establishment have determined policies concerning abortion. From this cross- cultural survey, filmed in Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Peru, Columbia and Canada, emerges one reality: only a small percentage of the world's women has access to a safe, legal operation. Armchair Fitness VHS 60 mins. Betty Swickas leads participants in three aerobic arm- chair workouts of twenty minutes each. Her troupe of exercisers includes a 92-year old man, a former heart patient, and a woman with her leg in a splint. It is a regime which would be of great value to both the elderly and the disabled. Criminal Justice: The Sentencing Dilemma VHS 60 mins. This programme focuses on judicial sentencing decisions using a dramatization of a trial, and interviews with the professionals and the non-professionals who are involved. Nothing to be Sorry About VHS 29 mins. A profile of four handicapped children - two deaf, one with cerebral palsy, and one mentally retarded - who enjoy the love and acceptance of their families and neighbours. Their families stress that, in spite of their handicaps, the children are happy, well adjusted members of society, and should not be pitied. Mary Matthews A.V. Librarian MM: jrh SSO