“Their frat exper ce « ‘once they have cleared 2 “ght pertain setae ee main portal ' vill be stand in the hs Ml liberty and equal ty. H middle of our sola sre Pa 54 ae t work n copes i i ier "A spectacular vi vision that up re ae : ee astronauts have experienced." 4 f Serene et phe ba ua fl ie Pou Fe. - Elsewhere in the 2 : / Westminst er Campus, yes ge te B JM AANIT ae the 350-s ae i on eee alain | ht Pt hs pe re tt ? as home t Bee aie a Gane _ South A cat Mr. t. Keir ch Philand. ; n” 2 Int -Ch h Coali 1 mop f a ni a ane ? Sa em Secale se ee a E ie ict ot Re a a Se La oat _ Moa Best A Major Highlight Pe cdi) cil an september je oo ue eck per the: 0 Wee ta . Hy : mt project i aclu e the wee he r ee rae cote oe ee en a ma eM light a it activities over # ‘Place: om mer te vee ‘gM ay = ng sun a = Hh , Shyu +5 ah ny Be Ik eel hae fst Se "Althou 1 a ie most of th work mah Bt wae s Colle; oie active a ce president "The com nay va ss ee lor front Mis chia” Sh, an “= Doug ae cht nod Alias 4) 7 “Davi After a year on edu cational leave studying ‘human | right Brio Device he retur iedite 4 ey Mible yen 5 Panent Pe studying the traditional and ct aralet at t ie : his stuc ih Seer find their way into his philosophy courses this cogs semester - equality rights, al boriginal i ord. : “te Hoag a [o's OY and economic and employ Sacer acta I fia ere ie addition, new perspecti ‘on many of the iss ‘in tae cussed in his y, euthan- ae ny . nee ~h ve ad iui Tepes ie 4 y ia aa L h a i is pl a “1 oe Te # bein m_n t i 70 Le ‘all popes yu i a Rei! a