Shis issue: (Y Does Japanese elder porn get better with age? (¥Y A reason to jeer and cheer for the Academy Awards ( Twenty-five to life: How | survived in perfect conditions And more! Have your voice heard! Contact: Elliot Chan, Opinions Editor M www. Backcountry rescues shouldn't cost the victim » Tim Jones was right in his assertions that people should not pay for their rescues Aidan Mouellic e& Staff Writer B= Columbia has lost a hero. On January 19, a leader of the North Shore Rescue (NSR) team, Tim Jones, died suddenly ofa heart attack while participating in team exercises on Mount Seymour. I greatly admired Jones. Heand his team of dedicated volunteers were lifesavers in Vancouver, as they've provided a critical service to those who enjoy the mountains. I also completely agreed with his view that people should not be charged for their rescue. Those who need the help of the NSR team are often people who have made their way into the backcountry, then gotten get themselves out of. The NSR team believes that those in need of help shouldn't be charged the price of the rescue, because having financial thoughts cloud the judgement of the individual could delay them in making the call for help. Rescuing someone successfully from the North Shore is often a matter of tim- ing. The helicopters that they : use for rescues can only operate : during the day. In winter, when : night approaches fast, someone : delaying a call for help—even : for halfan hour—could have : life-altering consequences. Besides the fact thata : large, threatening price tag : could delay a rescue from the : : beginning, charging forarescue : : based on location is wrong. : You shouldn't be charged just : because you happen to bein : the backcountry. Firefighters, : police, and paramedics don’t : charge additional fees if you're : ina sketchy neighbourhood; : so why should those who : practice outdoor rescues? Imagine if you were : jogging though a low-income : neighbourhood wearing : diamond jewelry, and someone : kidnapped you and held you for : ransom. Clearly you would bean : into a situation that they cannot : idiot for jogging with diamonds : inthe first place, but at least you : wouldn't have to worry about : the amount the police will be : charging you for a rescue. The members of the NSR : team don’t do what they do for : any sort of financial compen- : sation. They’re volunteers who : donate bucket-loads of hours to : their cause. They offer a crucial : service, which allows us all to fully enjoy the coastal moun- SOS Canada » Should the Canadian consulate rescue troubled citizens abroad? Elliot Chan .. Opinions Editor M opinions i, Tears know the danger of visiting a foreign country; it’s the little extra spice in travelling. They hear stories on the television about political unrest, radical rebels, : and petty criminals. Still, their desire to see the world is not dampened by the risks. Travellers know if something happens to them abroad, their citizenship is enough for them to get noticed. Someone back home will care about and miss them. Their government will do whatever : it takes to get them back. But : troublemakers? Should they : be brought back home and : punished as Canadians? We all get that anxious : feeling when we cross the : security checkpoint at : airports. Sure, we know that : we haven't committed any crimes and that we aren't : packing any contraband, yet : we still worry because the : alternative of being guilty : isso scary. Put yourself in : the shoes of a smuggler; put : yourself in the shoes of a : smuggler being detained; of a smuggler sentenced to : death. So, I ask again, should Besides the fact that a large threatening price tag could delay a rescue from the beginning, charging for a rescue based on your location is wrong. : tains. There would be a massive : void in the outdoors community : without the NSR team. I’ve never been ina situation : where I’ve had to call the NSR : team, but countless others have : and if] was in their shoes, I : wouldn't want financial woes on : my mind. The backcountry is : not some ghetto full of land- : mines; it’s nature, and nature : can be dangerous, especially to : people who are ill-prepared. So : instead of scaring people from : exploring nature, we should : be educating them about the : potential risks and preparation. The best way to honour : Jones would be to uphold his : beliefs for future generations : and move forwards with the : work he has begun. For more : detailed information on : backcountry preparation and : what NSR can do for you, Visit : Canada save you? : what if the travellers were the : : consular office provides : detainees the ability to : communicate with their : home country, presents : proper nutrition, and : connects them with a legal : representative, but it does : not get them out of jail : or post their bail or make : travel accommodations for : their family. Although some : countries have transfer of : offender arrangements— : including Brazil, United : Kingdom, and Thailand— : many other countries don't. : then put yourself in the shoes : : of Foreign Affairs, Trade, : and Development has a lot Currently, the Canadian The Canadian Department rancout’” . A NORTH SHORE CREDIT UNION F VANCOUVER SHIPYARDS if [Teme toe ca ti or = of limitations when it comes to another country’s judicial system. Travellers are not just Canadian citizens; they must also be citizens of the world. To say that they don’t know the law in another country isn’t a good excuse. That is just ignorance and deserves to be punished. The same way you wouldn't jump into an ocean if you don’t know how to swim or what lies beneath, you shouldn't dive into a foreign country if you don’t know what will pose harm for you, the locals, and your country’s image. Remember that when youre abroad youre a aaa By : representative of your : homeland, regardless of : where you're from and what : your background is. As : much as you want to have : an awesome time and make : wonderful memories, it’s also : important to respect other : people’s home and country. : Remember that youre a guest : and that you're not entitled to : anything. Be respectful and : treat Cambodia, Cameroon, : and Colombia the way you : would treat Canada. If you : follow ethical behaviour : wherever you go—you know, : the kind of stuff your mother : taught you—you likely stay : out of trouble.