2222222 The first indication that all was not well occured just before Christmas three years ago when concerned Canadian television viewers wrote letters of protest to the Alaska State Game Commission. As it happened, the film was released first on the C.B.C. Television Network, originating in Vancouver. Before I was presented with the facts in Juneau, the C.B.C. had aired the film twice and had it schedualed a third time. The film had by then also been widely shown throughout the American television networks. No one could explain why the film was presented in Canada before it was released in the U.S. The film was produced in Los Angles. One possible explanation is that the C.B.C. producer... a member of the Sierra Club... had prior knowledge that the film was being put together by the Friends of the Earth Society. Be that as it may, Say Goodbye is an excellent example of irresponsible journalism. If you use it in the classroom please keep the facts in mind and don't take everything presented as fact. It-tain't necessarily so. Ron Tarves, Environmental Studies. college assembly AGENDA ITEMS for the next assembly on Nov. 25th in New West should be submitted today to Jim Sellers on the Surrey campus in writing if possible or by phone to my office (local 215) or home (531-7786). 3: