March 17, 2008 ‘WORD ON THE STREET By Shannon McKay, Staff Photographer “Do you make an effort to be meet Alex Woodman Kathryn Latta Jennifer Dela Luna First Year BPAC Second Year General Studies Second Year Assoc. of Arts Uni. Transfer “T turn off lights and the TV when I’m not “Heck yes! I turn off the water when I’m “Yes! I recycle, and buy ‘green’ products. in the room, and I walk to school instead of | brushing my teeth, I recycle, wash my I also reuse at home, if something doesn’t driving.” clothes in cold water, and I try not to drive need to be thrown out, it shouldn’t be! And places, I take the bus or walk instead.” | avoid driving, or being driven places, and take transit instead.” \ 3 BROOKIYN PUB WATERFRONT LOUNGE 250 Columbia St. 604.517.2966 THURSDAY ©) ium | THURSDAY, * so ak FRIDAY & | | fe Stival STUDENT Pe | SATURDAY NIGHT! / aa | - Party With Ve Ua ab) 12 price appies : CARAMEL | eee ous es Daily at:1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:35 “highballs. = > TUNE THE COUNTERFEITERS $12.75 pit es — TWISTER Daily at: 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:10 CITY OF MEN Daily at:1:45.9:30 no 9:30 show Tues Mar 18 JUNO Daily at: 1:00, 3:00, 5:05, 7:20, 9:20 There Will Be Blood Daily at: 4:00, 6:55, 9:55 NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN Daily at: 4:10, 6:55 no 6:55 show Wed, Mar 19 and Thurs Mar 20