Noe a mS: Walk For Literacy Walk-a-thon sponsor sheet please read carefully before filling out HALKERS MAME PHONE ADDRESS __ i POSTAL CODE SCHOOL OR ORGANIZATION AGE Walk is on Oct.19 at 10 am in Stanley Park Starting at 2nd Beach and ending at Lumbermans Arch. Total distance is 5 km. The organisers can accept no liabilty for any injury or damage to property substained by participants, or spectators during the Walk for Literacy. Money collected will be used toa help Literacy projects in B.C. Make cheques or money orders payable to VANCOUVER EASTSIDE EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SOCIETY PROJECT LITERACY 1447-E.PENDER STREET VANCOUVER B.C. VSL 107 DO NOT SEND CASH BY HALL For further information or if you would like to volunteer please call 665-2127 Ant Ant. P/Kn Total collected