Memorial Scholarship The Len Whiteley Memorial Scholar- ship fund has yecept ly passed one thousand dollars in onations. On Thursday evening Je pret ee Sy ens u oO dent Cameron a Tirse Peceecuts of the Annual Douglas College and Chorus’ Concert. The Music Bepor ween’ | all who so kindly cont honor Len's memory. ecame award i. the oncert Band > sighes to thank -ributed to In order to ensure that fe award will become perpetual, some addi- tional donations 11 bevnee ed. Donations may be sent in ane Music Department. Puta Acceavible to the Dea! Toe eee ee seer oeyise cue’ ene. elecommunications Device for the Deaf ) Peroush a donation from the Elks of New Westminster and es op tiga: centre, er of the Royal Purp: is located in the C The phone number is need se 520-545 The TDD is a small, portable machine that looks like a mini-typewriter, As you type aoe message, the words travel across the elec Sinks rea ooo display _ Snel ok tape. Simul€ancously the words are transmitted ey eae telephone by tonal Ey the same words Sepeat oo screen and/or tape of the you called. Waen | the o fori n sends his/her Hee ose7 you see at ‘on your screen. The TDD is available. 20 anyone who needs to Rene tae pe ‘son by phone. inter Sate in aeons ang, to. Hee ae é TDD should contact. ladys, local 2791 or Wendy, local 3780 for training. Gladys Loewen NOTE: piacys Klas: sen's name become Glad has now dys Loewen. co oes Waack| Athletic Banquet & pot luck banq et to honour the athletes of Dou Lae 5 gaa ee EES the hundreds of hours de ed ser- vice to sports (fas owe "as Pets Year MUCH APP ECIATION to, everyone. be helped clea: reicu ae ae tew- rt te nceiyecson. ‘wh is : he was asked eae ! eae Pictives by and he. two Fe ce Athiet e sith donated By Hye ck Tropies, | es | “ Hatter Page 2 classes and pub ni tenet was. hela i the upper ca: tee. on March 30. If you didn't attend then you missed ge entertaining tee Sorea routine of eae Johnson, who ime as Master o Se pener oneee nn hin oi Denes the 8 Oney Money” oke!). Pea who volontesred: their time suc— | to make certain, che bar was a Gakhel "Sdney aon Base Fran Berg, | ancy Daa x nd Kris Remmen eeiiaarsty ene ae ad=’ il g tha Nnere ng served at the bar and Leanne most beet eer ase a Oe or wge, the cafeteria Pacsdiciae a hese | letes are great cooks!!! Gerr Del anor De. of Bduca~ it nal a aruaes Se ces, ‘pee ; sente faylor 4 rh Hee emale Athlete are the. ear Award Steve Mitton with ee male Athlete er EO ward. Both athletes are goo students as well a aoa hagh ecBei| Play rs, and have pu oe Loe Of | ime toward extra-curricular activ- ities in the past RAGE years. eee ce eee ly thirty mor more were le conan aise had. to he SPP Bae ee ape a -ic com- wert” 1g ,gndur Oo or and I really want Ao ‘say me you" to _ these coaches for” ‘che ae ee r. len - op and_ trophies hes who the ee ‘think’ th: el eGL tat i institutior ie Nene et epee | coaches rea eserve a Jon “thi noe Beserve’ ‘pat have. Se iped. mace: é this colleg e year a fvl- ler and more enli« een ene ex! etierce for many stuaents: as St., New: MInSOGE « Betty Lou Hayes