SURREY CAMPUS INVITES APPLICATIONS Surrey Campus invites applications from faculty to work on a 1/4 time release to assist the Campus Principal to question current operations ‘ent facilities, The successful candidate will scrutinize the campus philosophy and goals, and the Educational Plan. The existing courses and programs will then be examined in light of the Philosophy, goals and Educational Plan and recommendations will be made to the Campus Principal to assist him in reconciling these factors. Interested applicants should apply in writing to the Principal Surrey Campus no later than Friday, December 14, 1979. This appointment will be effective for the Spring Semester 1980. OMELETTE LUNCH The omelettes were great Jim..THANKS! ++...Surrey Campus Staff and Faculty BOAT PEOPLE FUND SALE The sale of books, pottery and gifts sponsored by the Institutes at Surrey last week yielded a sum of $760 for the Boat People Fund organized ' by George and Inge Woodcock. They have asked me to extend their thanks to all those who donated books, household items etc., and especially to Fine Arts for the excellent pottery. ---..-Barry Leach FACULTY EXCHANGES The faculty at Dawson College, Westmount, Quebec have expressed interest in coming to Douglas College on an exchange programme. The disciplines of those interested are: Psychology, English Lit., and Composition, American Lit., Hist. (Ancient and Medieval), Math, Canadian Studies, French, Mechanical Drafting & Geometry, Fine Arts, (painting/drawing interior design), Chemistry, Business Accounting, Drama. Anyone interested in further details about possible exchanges in these, or other disciplines, Please call me at Surrey 284. -...-Barry Leach oan Le = te