_ | eee es. meee = ees: THE MAD HATTER A Dougles College Newsletter published weekly during the srring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O; 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Melanie Falcon, Surrey Campus 58@-4411 Local 283 CHANGES IN I.R.C. Arnie Driver has replaced David Dick, Maintenance, N.W. local 279. Heather Campbell has replaced Anne Wheeler, Equipment Loans, local 249 Ss. Margaret Carruthers, local 253, can now be reached at 254. Seb Se Dorothy Jones can be reached at Local 262, NW, not Local 259, as listed in the directory. MEDIA ยง MAN SEMI AL E E_SE Academedia is a joint UBC/SFU venture for the application of audio visual media in post secondary education. Approximately seven conferences are envisioned which will deal with the theme Media & Man and their involvement within the educational structure in British Columbia. The purpose of this series will be to give educators an opportunity to discuss common problems and seek some solutions. Through sharing media experiences with colleagues from other departments and other B.C. institutions, participants will gain a greater appreciation of the present and future status of educa- tional media opportunities. The primary target audience for the series will be educators at the post secondary level who have had or wish to have greater fluency with media. Persons involved in the administration, production or utilization of media materials will also find the con- ference of interest. The first conference of the series will be held at the University of British Columbia on May 8, and 9, 1979. The intention of this conference is to provide a forum in which to air and share media experiences, programs and selections. The format will be small group presentations and discussion in areas of interest designated by the participants. Hopefully, the registration fee for this first conference will be kept below $20.00. For further information contact: BIOMEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS RM. B32, INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES CENTRE 2075 WESTBROOK MALL UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA VANCOUVER B.C., V6T 1W5 TELEPHONE (604) 228-5561 ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS The provincial Minister of Environment, the Hon. Rafe Mair, will be attending a public meeting in the Lower Mainland on March 22 to receive briefs from organizations and submis- sions from individual members of the public on the work of his ministry. This is a major opportunity for the public to express views on the management of the envir- onment, fish and wildlife. After my short presentation at Faculty/Staff Development last fall, several people expressed concern at the predominance given to hunting in the management and use of provincial Crown Lands in the lower Fraser Valley, and at the neglect of opportunities and access to such lands for non-hunting recreation. I would be grateful if all who share these concerns would spare a few moments to write them down in a letter to the Hon. Rafe Mair. If you do not wish to present your letter personally at the public meeting I will do so on your behalf. However, it would be much better if you do so yourself. The quality of our environment in the Lower Mainland will ultimately depend in part upen our readiness as citizens to state our prior- ities to those vested with responsibility for the management of our lands and waters and the living creatures dependent upon them. Please act. For more information please phone or visit me at Surrey Campus, portable A6. Barry Leach