e A New Approach to Governance

Report of the Ad
Hoc Committee on

Members: Cathy Bissett, Jim

Davies, Velma Smith, Joan
Wenman, Des Wilson.


The Ad Hoc Committee on
Governance was formed from a
general meeting of faculty


called to consider the problems
of governance at Douglas Col-
lege. The committee framed a
questionnaire which was then
sent out to all faculty. A sample
of the questionnaire follows on
page 11 along with a summary
of the answers to questions.

It is generally agreed that
governance is not working.
This consensus is reflected, we
believe, in the president’s call-


Foundation Fair Update

Flea Market

Items for the Flea Market are
trickling in. Already, we have
received a variety of things,
ranging from dishes to a pot-bel-
lied stove.

Watch the time! There’s only
one week before the Flea
Market to give the things you no
longer use to a good cause.

Keep it coming, and plan to
drop by the Flea Market.


Dave Dalcanale, local 5317
Robin Ryan, local 5332
Cathy Elson, local 7070

or call the Douglas College
Foundation office at 4813.



swap Your Day for
Bill's Day

Just a reminder that raffle tick-
ets are now on sale in the
Foundation Office (rm. 4800)
for a chance to put your feet on
the biggest desk in the college.

Tickets are $.50 each or three
for $1.00.

The draw will take place at
12:00 pm. on Wednesday,
March 8 on the concourse.

The big swap is scheduled for
Monday, March 13th from 8:30
am. to 4:30 pm. to kick off the
start of the Foundation Fair.

All proceeds go directly to
the student aid endowment fund.



ing of a meeting on governance
and in the input of repre-
sentatives at that meeting. Our
questionnaire statistically fur-
ther documents this fact.

The practical question natural-
ly emerges "How are we to
solve the problems of gover-
nance?" We offer what we
think is a new and workable ap-
proach to governance which will
solve the basic problems in-
herent in present theory and
practice. There are two main
principles in the proposed solu-
tion: 1) governance decisions
would be focussed at the
departmental level. 2) a college
senate would be instituted.


It is our conviction that gover-
nance decisions about
curriculum are best handled by
the people most professionally
competent to deal with them and
those persons are discipline and
departmental members, It is
felt, in the current system, that a
significant part of the problems
of governance results from the
attempt to solve curricular is-
sues at the divisional and
college levels where expertise
for the particular areas is not
present. How can an
anthropologist be an authority
on physics and vice versa, or
child care on physical educa-
tion? We believe that such

continued on page 9