Nov. 27, 1986. Page 4 Other Editorials The Other Press Senate “‘out of order’’ This editorial is being written after my first visit to a senate meeting. A sen- ate meeting is where the student society meets to- gether and decides what is done for us, the students. You would think that a senate meeting would be conducted in a civil and organized manner. Well have I got news for you. Much to my horror it was a disaster. It consisted of yelling and general cha- os. In other words it was typicaly political. The meeting was supposed to be held under the guidance of Roberts Rules which hard- ly anyone seemed to under- Stand. In the student soc- iety act , according to by-law 10 section 1 “The Speaker of the House shall be a responsible, trusted and knowledgeable indi- vidual. He/She shall have full knowledege of parlia- mentary procedures and understand Roberts Rules of Order (latest issue) THOROUGHLY”. The speaker at the senate meeting was Mike Bouchard. It appeared that he did not display too much knowledge of Roberts Rules. During the meeting there was a motion to re- move him from his posi- tion and that motioned got carried. Then president Scott Nelson took over as chairman. It appeared that he also lacked the knowl- edge of the Rules. After all this an item came up on the agenda which caused Scott Nelson to defer chairman- ship to Mike Booth. The item on the agenda was in reference to the “election interference” charged by the C.R.O., Andrew Gutteridge. Then the C.R.O. made his report on the charge and then he was opened to questioning. Af- ter that all hell broke loose. According to Roberts Rules the Speaker (also chairman) is supposed to keep track of who is to Dear Press, I noticed in your last letter’s page two letters from myself. I am _ only one person. How then could you have received two letters. One can not produce two unless it is halved. Did you _ receive two half letters? If so, did you yourselves write the other half of each letter. How often do you add on to other people’s letters? It seems like a very unethi- cal thing to do. If it is your policy then alright, it is your newspaper after all, please feel free to com- speak next. Well it seemed that every one wanted to speak at once. That started a chaos, everybody couldn’t stay on the right track. In fact president Scott Nelson was removed from the meeting because he kept speaking out of turn. Even though he had officialy left the meeting he still hung around. It turned that the reason he hung around is that he decided to stay and give Mike some advice. His _ advice appeared to be that some of the other board members decide to leave the meeting forcing a motion not to be carried. A motion being that the position being held by Mike Bouchard be made plete my letter starting now... Alright we admit it, you're the only one who ac- tually wites to us. We make up not only the letters, but also the classifieds. It’s all a big tax dodge, we’re all just Sugar Daddies living in Nelson, the people you see wandering around confused in the office are from a drug rehab centre. We hired them to look good and keep the fuzz out. It’s a good thing that no one reads the letter’s page, otherwise we'd be in deep, real deep. John Stickums invalid. Hence leaving Mike without a position on the senate. I must admit the motion was a stupid one. It didn’t allow Mike a chance to defend his position or to be opened up to question- ing. For more information on this meeting please read our story. Well afer seeing all this all I can do is wonder. I wonder is there really a reason for all this red tape and accusations and count- er accusations. Hmmm, who knows maybe the athlectic department is trying to over run the col- lege. Who really knows what is happening in the D.C.S.S. Too Scared to sign Sigma W. Other Press} Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper § ee 1. Never admit defeat! When in. doubt, rational- ize. 2. Do not eat beans before a 3 hour lecture. 3. Never ask an English instructor “how good” you did on a test. 4. Try not to smile too much in class, the teacher will believe that you don’t have enough to do, and give you more homework to prevent boredom. 5. Don’t write on bath- room walls unless you can’t spell and don’t have anything _intellegent _to say anyway. Oh, always try to put your mindless gibberish —_ people into rhyme, | childish _ people like that. 6. If you are left-hand- ed, don’t buy erasable pens - they smudge. 7. Try not to schedule a A Hobbsian view of etiquette class for Tuesday evening, other wise you will miss $2.50 night at the movies. 8. If you’re a guy, al- ways check your fly before, walking through the con- course (Douglas College’s own fashion ramp). If you’re a girl, it doesn’t matter if your zipper is done up or not, people will just think that you’re imitating Madonna. 9. Do not go to the cafe- teria to study - why fool yourself? Go there and pig. out, smoke a cig, talk about people behind their backs and look reasonably fashionable. That’s what it’s there for. 10. This final rule is not a rule at is LAW. Do not come to. school to write an exam _ unless you’re ‘Sure’. that you are ‘Under the Dome.” Do: you get the “Dry Idea?” Good, this isn’t a ‘Secret’, you know.