April 8, 1980 The Other Press from page 12 Guzyk stood for the door. “Now for those swingin’, single foxes that have been after my tight slacks for weeks now. Get them in here, hurry! The swingin’, single foxes rush in. ‘‘For ‘| months now I’ve avoided you. I’ve told you that i- wasn’t Robin Gibb, or Yiergi Czech in tight slacks, or a swingin’, sex God. But now I’m going to tell the truth: I’m actually. ..Mick Jagger in disguise!’’ They embrace fervently, several times. ‘‘I love ya, | love you all! Now get out of here you crazies before | lose con- trol’’ “All right, all right,’’ demanded Mike. ‘‘What about those crazy social- ists? What about the stu- dent population? Get them in here!’’ The student pop- ulation rushes in. ‘‘look here, you crispy-critter fas- cists. I’ve cut you down in fon A R.A F000 AN 0 DRINK RECIPE BOOKLET. WRITE: fem oistutery co the past and you've refused to recognize my greatness.. but hey! Just Kidding you knuckleheads!’’ They em- brace. ‘‘Now get out of here!’’ “Well,’’ said Rob. ‘That just leaves one more, our sister paper, the Pinion. Get them in here!’’ The Pinion rushes in with ink- stained hands. ‘‘I’ve al- ways wondered,’’ said Rob Slowly. ‘‘Why. you always hated us so much. What did we ever do to deserve such hatred?’’ A Pinion staffer stepped forward and searched the faces of the Other Press staffers for several moments before speaking. “‘Because of what you are! Because of what you stand for! All that’s good and decent. You were al- ways too good! We didn’t have what it takes. We were always considered the ‘second-class’ paper on the campus. We wanted to _ Bacardi rum. ip it before you f BACARD! RUM(S) PRODUCED BY SPECIAL AUTHORITY AND UNDER THE OF BACARD! & COMPANY LIMITED BACARDI AND BAT DEVICE ARE REGISTERED TRADE MARRS ore BACARDL & COMPANY LIMITED BOTTLED BY FBM DISTILLERY CO LTD. CANADA. be just like you, but we never could. Don’t you understand? We were sick with jealousy! We were jealous of what we could never be!’’ A tear appeared in Rob’s eye. ‘‘You poor sods! We never knew you felt that way. You’re too hard on yourselves; you’re not that bad. You know what? You’re good! You’re damn good!’’They embrace. “Now get out of here you knuckleheads, | mean it.!’’ After they left Rob got into a nostalgic mood. “Well, boys, what shall we do to end the semester. A game of cards? A drink perhaps?”’ “‘| know!’’ exclaimed Worthington. ‘‘Let’s sing a song! The rest of the staff were immediately taken with the idea, and this is what they sang. ““....Wab, wab, wab, wab-a-way. Forty-nine! Good-bye!’’ page five Sheilla Kullar: Life is activity with subjective purpose. Jim Sturgeon: Success! Henriette Koetsier: It’s pretty shitty (note: This is not a true reflection of Henriette’s intellectual capacity) Betty Anne Plouffe: Life is homework, I’m forever doing homework! L ( This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for _ purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper. All letters and opinions much be typed at a 60-stroke line, ‘double-spaced and must bear the name of the writer for | reasons of validity. Submissions which are not signed will not be published. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should either be 450 or 900 words in length due to space and layout requirements. We reserve the right to-edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions longer than specified will be edited to size. 5 \ Deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. Tuesday. cal