INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / NOVEMBER 13, 1990 Psychological Thriller Produced By College Theatre Department t's described as a“ psychological _ the ends justify the means?” are Cat’s Paw runs on November thriller”, but this taut tale of pas- | among the questions Cat’s Paw 29, 30, December 1, 6, and 8 at 8:00 sion and courage also "examines asks us, she says. p.m. Tickets are available by call- the notion of morality and topical James Sanders, who played ing 527-5488. themes of environmentalism and Oberon in last spring’s Douglas terrorism," says director Christine College production of A Midsum- Menzies. mer Night's Dream, is back this year Cat's Paw, written by William in the sometimes gentle, some- Mastrosimone, will be presented times cutting lead role of Victor, by the Douglas College Theatre the Environmental Protection Department in late November. Agency official who helps us Menzies says that playwright probe these locally and globally Mastrosimone is noted for his ex- relevant issues. amination of society’s ethics. “Mastrosimone has a tendency as a writer to question public morality,” she says. “How far are we willing to go to make the comment?” and “Do Dw You Know...? e @ e The Douglas College cafeteria is providing a financial incentive to get into the environmental movement. If faculty, staff, or students fill up their own coffee mugs instead of using another styrofoam cup for their morning eye openers, they pay fifty cents instead of sixty. And they’re not adding to the mountains of non-biodegradable waste that choke our landfills. Do you know any interesting facts about Douglas College? Please send your suggestions via campus mail to the Insider. @ Coquitlam Campus to Open in 1993 continued from previous page ourselves in the community," said Popove. The Coquitlam Campus of Douglas College will be equal in size to the New Westminster cam- pus, with space for up to six thousand students and about 500 instructors. The new campus is to begin operations in 1993. @