The Canadian Red Cross Society La Société canadienne de la Croix-Rouge 4750 Oak Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6H 2N9 Telephone (604) 879-7551 British Columbia - Yukon Division October 30, 1987 Mn, William Day President Douglas College 700 Royal Avenue Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Mr. Day: Congratulations! The blood donor clinic held at Douglas College on October 26, 1987 wads the "best ever". I am sure that moving the clinic to the cafeteria was the night decision. The awareness of the clinic on carpus was evident everpshere. There were 260 donors in attendance, which resulted in 210 units being QO collected for the hospitals in B.C. and the Yukon. Included in these totals are 70 first time donors. The Canadian Red Cross Society wishes to convey a sincere thank you to akk faculty, staff and students for the support given to this chinic. Speciak thanks to Ross Cameron, Chris Deane, Marifyn Houkihan and Rick Sheppard for their time, efforts and consideration to ensure a successful day. Thank you for your interest and support. The next clinic date is Wednesday, March 30, 1988. Yours sincerely, (Mts.) Mitiam Thompson Program Consultant Blood Donor Recruitment MT/24 c.c. MA. Rods Cameron - Personnel Department Mis45 Martyn Houlihan - Student Society Ma. Chris Deane - Manager, Building Services Mrs. Fay Mikler - Chairperson, New Westminster Branch Supported by your United Way or Red Cross campaign contribution. 1 iL