April 11, 1984 — DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY . | ARCHIVES inadian Regional Business and Technical Communication C Conference _ April 26 to 28, 1984 of i. | The Communications Discipline is pleased to. announce that Douglas i" College is hosting the Canadian Regional Business and Technical ne | Communication Conference on April 26 to 28. International in | scope, the Conference expects participants and speakers from as i far east and west as Boston and Hawaii and as far north and south Pres as Fort McMurray and Texas. Speakers will include: *. ears ) Bruce Fauman, Director, Executive Pros pas a. B. Ce ¥ Loraine MacLean, Director, Hu an Resour E Jim Matk reside! B.C. Employ uncil; ‘Tony F Rhodes -Ma: rsatile Bguipment, nnipeg; (Gay _ Sibley, Universi y_ of Hawai onna & Bill Dowdney ; is gage tants, Palo Alto, C pifornia:, David Pe pper, +E ee ) Simons, aoc uer ea: Ph i . Lew. Eeecue e; Sacer Abbot, of Trivial P Pursuit ane: jt Herb ‘Smith, arkson “college and “many More... Topics will include: i Communications and Effective panes prey Contractual Lan ae e Developing Technology, Communications in 2 : | EXPO 81 Evaluation Techniques, and many more... ii ' One of tBe, featured BERS will be a pee upc as in bbe Bare ee nan Arie Theatres ‘The agains. senses rice us Fs . to open the presentation to students, faculty and the general public ) ! DATE: April 27 TIME: 1100-1230 hrs. ROOM: 4100 : = ADMISSION: Students - $1, Others - $5 3 Ht | Proceeds will go to the Student Financial Aid Fund. " b