MAD HATTER PAGE 6 PHASE | (To be completed by January 6, 1982) Departmental Curriculum and Planning Committees Each Department, meeting us ua cunstituent assembly, chaired by the Director or Chairman, - adopts its structure (either a committee of the whole or ulternative structure), prepures request tor approval, in case of an alternative structure, from Divisiunal Curriculum and Planning Committee elects membership in the case of an alternatively structured committee elects 2 faculty (vne for a one year term and one lor a two year term) to the Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committee establishes a process fur the election of two student represent- atives (with the advice of the Student Society). As a protocol, Departments may decide on an alternative structure and elect members prior to approval by the Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committee. If the Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committee does not approve the request for an alternative structure, the Department will have to repeat its election process prior to January 6, 1982. Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committee Each Division meeting as a Constituent Assembly, chaired by the Dean. adopts its structure (either aus outlined in the wovernance paper or oan alternative structure) prepares request for approval, in the case of an alternative structure, from the College Planning and Policy Committee elects two faculty, one for a one year term and one for a two year term, to the College Planning and Policy Committee elects one technical staff member (1 year term) and one clerical staff member (2 year term) establishes a process for the election of one student representative to the College Planning and Policy Committee (with the advice of the Student Society) considers Departmental requests for alternative structures The Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committee meeting must be scheduled so as to allow sufficient time before January 6 to enable Departments to reconvene should requests for alternative structures not be approved. Wherever practical initial membership of committees should adhere to the minimum number outlined in the governance pauper. Wherever possible elections should be by secret ballot and they should be chaired by the design- ated chairmen.