“Our final honorary doctorate goes to John P. Lind, who kicked in three million claws for a chem lab.” This sound like a contem porary ppc hades "Coal and oil are strictly limited in quantity. We can take coal out of a mine but we can never put it back. We can draw oil from subterranean reser- voirs, but we can never refill them again. We are spendthrifts in the matter of fuel. In rela- tion to coal and oil, the world's annual consumption has become so enormous that we are now actually within measurable distance of the end of the supply." Addressing a graduation Class in Washington, D.C. Alexander Graham Bell, in 1917, went on to say: * "There is, however, one other source of fuel supply which may perhaps solve the problem of the future. Al- cohol makes a beautiful, clean and efficient fuel, and can be manufactured very cheaply. "Alcohol can be manufactured from corn stalks, and from almost any vegetable matter capable of fermentation. The waste products of our farms are available for this purpose, and even the garbage from our cities. We need never fear the ex- haustion of our present fuel supplies so long as we can produce an annual crop of alcohol to any extent de- sired." Now reed this Crilomn pasy (Apil 30, 1474) Wessase 2: OF RUSINESS (* WASHINGTON (AP) — A scientist urged the United. States today to go on an alcohol-production binge— as, a panacea not only for the en- » ergy crisis but also for “many other social problems” includ- ing unemployment. ; Physicist Peter Fong advo- cated a $12-billion-a-year “‘alcohol-fuel industry’ that would be manned primarily by people on about 1.5 mil- Jion small ‘alcohol farms” stretched across the U.S. The farms would be devoted to making into alcohol corn that Fong said could be raised on now-idle cropland. Fong, from Emory Univer-- sity, Atlanta, Ga., said the new breed of alcohol - producers might come frofi “the hard-core unemployed city slums.” ame He said such an industty would provide alcohol as ‘a supplementary motor fuel “to meet the current gasoline shortage’’ and pave the way to making alcohol ‘‘the motor fuel in the distant future.” * He spoke to the spri meeting of the Alberta Physical Society. Some U.S °sy exists to mix gasoline | and alcohol to stretch the gasoline supply. buretors would have to be changed, and the methods of processin ; & and di c ting the fuel. oe lo ain Auto car- * €xperts say technol-