fed, “Prostate and Gambler — jtakes no responsibility in ithe case of test subject Jessie.’ All test subjects jare warned of the dangers i land side effects they may lexperience during testing, jat which time they are lasked if they wish to con- jtinue with testing. Any sub- jjects who continue, do so lof their own free will. The jcompany. wishes to extend its deepest sympathies to Ithe family of Jessie and jhopes that she recovers ifrom this incident swiftly.” | Because Jessie’s family jcomes from a small farm- ling community, they do not have enough money to pay jfor any of the surgeries inecessary for Jessie’s face ito be successfully re- PISS NCR SRNR SR RRS NE AR Re ENE attached. Several funds © have been set up and the family is hoping that the money raised from dona- tions will be enough. “We’re so thankful that people have taken up Jessie’s cause,” said her father, who wishes to be called ‘Doug.’” “! guess what they say is true, ‘Nauseema girls get noticed.” Anyone who wants to donate to Jessie’s sur- gery fund can call 1-800-FIK- During and after pictures of poor Jess. Totally get better soon sister. * * « ¥ tive to cigarettes. Surgeon generals waming: Cum may contain traces of nuts. Cum is not a safe alterna-