the Other Press July 9, 1993 ai : a "oof - : be Sy ° Sexe, : “da, Mn a . TATE Lz ° 2 ° Wait . ey Re %, ° ka: waiting For The Kill Bog, : Late a piece of her mind a. - i e . Ripe on my spoon ae Se another tear, og “Te ; Early this morming, 11 my arms, : Before I awoke pain contine searching Se ey cae See : discovered charms © She flowered again ids ° In my head oe time , Shang hee of : Fine oven Tim seathing fino) aay ° ‘And exploding like fruit — and the peace that stovis a dove ery, e ae des : Spayingis asses Y Your body may lay 1 & am ' burr mind ar fr apar : i Memay be Paid slovers, Attitudes and Emosons Swen the drinks were asleep Ut not hold my heart functions : Fora time in our Our pa was everyday ee ‘ When platonic walks got upeas ito, ali ate hy Hated . : crrcroas indore and fh Astanger passing on qi | a : pressed hard, ts could never sense the chill “These forces blo my sunlight 8 % 5 night wispeted Is a abstract focus, : When the = with inthe Pond Edlipse o ecrets i to ; L : ° a broken like WH bei ta ae : Did bounds get The hoe hid their deer a, : i and its death is growing = not to be blinded, e . «ill : Tv Bithntine Yetlam ar ° Dipping my fingers ich ins erie wee the grassy hil, [could go ee e yolk d wild, but I choose ° Like a tongue starved for mn The haustns Abrupt change of ee es : She swallowed my tongue yet the sul remains standing This eclipse was not causec : vpole just waicin ot Within, it is a natural OCCUTEN pe whe hana pail : And may s° the walls cave ; . = ence ° Ww ¢ — for destruction; e ae change: a m ne : = YF a Waiting forte the kl __pMZen e Under her wa! ee of the fl ending { | oo ° Love pours down and me Py burning chil dow seit of DL ‘ ’ aaae from : Like blood sping When fate Pa eo : pudding the hill YS Our Tomance, ada 0° ae 4 Leaving its syrumy drops and I muse soon ais uae s a n my lips; ve the termites find 2 ino : pune ° Behind o Pi and devour my ble pia e Sleepy eves P Bins Ceding heart. Meno: ag doesnt : Through candy-app «ious! ie a8 : ; = cis ° -Craig Purcell Vanessa Rooke ae Me asym ac . sr ly cpt oP guniday gchoe : ee at My ° wil e agra KK . ° Tflt’s Mears Tohe gnc} : ie iy B00 : gr that wee not Mine Ajooho “> only : elings so ioe. YOU yy na “cigs 2S ; They will {0 Your he? ai on he a let e COntro} aN : o = ito nie? ne ate : Toone eases athe eae : y j ce OPO, e Ife SlOp it is ; 8 ey : It Meant to he Gre ey : (aces ape yf soe : Least tices os asl . an Ronnie Bains the od na _timG @2a aa 2G BO 4A AKA AAA A AAA AKA AAA LHR A ZA 44 ALAA 4G GHG Be Gg HZZKAABABAKBABAAAKR AAA AR AAR A ALAKAAKRKR KH oO MOK OeaAKRKAAKAKAAAKAAAKAAZABAKAAKEKAHRAABAAKBKBAKEAKBKBAA RBA AAA KA MARA AKAKAAAKAeeAeeeeeeeeiine ee ee een