AUGUST 30, 1983 THE OTHER PRESS PAGE 7 ‘Douglas College Sports and Better _ Back - Calendar Monday Nights “Las Vegas Night” , __ 5th Special Exotic | OGANDALS Show T 535 FRONT ST. as 12th Love Nest TELEPHONE: 524-6511 Party | 19th Special Exotic Show Tuesday Nights “Funk Night ” All the Hottest Funk & Soul Sounds played by Guest D.J.’ Alfie’ Wednesday Nights Ladies & Guys Night ‘orthe Ladies,,3 shows downstairs or the Guys, 3 shows upstairs. At 9:30 We mix you all up. Open at 7:00pm. hursdays Nights “Mexican Night” everage Specials all night plus ‘Mexican Munchies for all. riday & Saturday Nights ome early to miss the line-ups. ) Open 7:00pm til til 2:00am. Show Student Card before 10:00pm Friday or Saturday for NO Cover Charge. SSIES Et Rae SERS es Ss by Martin Hemerik Well it’s the start of another year of athletics here at Doug- las and with this being the first full year in the new campus you can look forward to lots of activities gearec towards everybody and not just Super Jocks. Last year, in terms of sports, was Douglas’ best. The Coll- ege picked up free agent Betty Lou Hayes for Athletic Direc- tor and they’ve never looked back since. The men’s basket- ball team (selected by the Other Press Sports Depart- ment as Douglas’ team of the year) had a banner year finishing fourth and in the playoffs for the first time in their history. The women’s basketball team although not making the playoffs played some exciting ball and most of their games were competitive which was "pretty impressive considering that they only had seven | players! With the new gym the inter- murals program will be in full swing throughout the school year with a wide array of activities, ranging from bad- minton to indoor soccer. Heck, you name it they’ll probably play it! Aerobic classes will be back so if you want to get fit in a hurry or get into even better shape then these are just the thing. The College offers a large variety of these classes so no matter what kind of shape you’re in there is a class designed for YOU. They range from the slow stretch to the ‘“‘Let’s see who collapses from exhaustion first’’ fitness levels. There will also be a new feature this year, a weight club (No, it’s not a club where you point at peoples’ stomachs To test out your sports know- lege the Other Press, in the interest of maintaining it’s excellent journalistic ability is continuing with a feature that was immensely popular last year and that is the Sports Quiz. 1 What was Babe Ruth’s real “| name? 2. Who said ‘‘Nice guys finish last’’? 3. Who is “‘The Greatest’? 4. In horse racing, what is a ‘‘show’’? and snicker.) It will help you learn how to get optimum results using the weights with- out acquiring a quadruple hernia at the same time. There are strong rumours floating around the college about an Inter-deparmental touch football league, how- ever, it’s up in the air so keep your fingers crossed. What is for sure is that in the spring there will be an Inter- departmental softball league and the Psycopaths (psychol- _NO, thisis not an Aerobics class but we don’t have any pictures of one. However they are a lot more exciting than this! AAArgh, grunt, gro think how much better you'll ogy department) will be back and better than ever. For all you folks whose only pursuit in sports is Trivial Pursuit, plans are underway for a game room. It will include such games as chess, checkers, and cribbage, to name just a few. So in summary there is eae for everyone in terms of athletics at Douglas College. So why not put a little fun into your education this year? Fru an. But just feel afterwards | 5. What great football player was known as the ‘‘Juice’’? 6. True or false, Richard ‘Todd wears the same number ° that Joe Namath used to wear? 7. Who is the Toronto: Argonauts’ back up quarter? | 8. What stadium do the Edmonton Eskimos play in? 9. What is Sammy Greene’s number? 10. Who is the Montreal Canadians new General Man-! ager? Outsmartin Martin by Martin Hemerik PIBALS 23195 ‘0 oc yyyeamuouu0s * soureg 30[° yl pue 7] asjey ° uosdunis * ("6 ° aoed paryy * TV powmuweyny ° Jayso0ing oa ° UBUNIDF] a3I109yH * ‘SJOMSU