$3 Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter | March 8, 1982 TO ALL EMPLOYEES FISCAL YEAR-END - MARCH 31, 1982 Z Vv In preparation for year-end we ask your co-operation in the following: | (A) INVOICES Please return all approved invoices to the Purchasing Department as promptly as possible. Should there be any queries or inaccuracies on invoices, please call so that we are able to complete changes that will | affect year-end figures. (B) REQUEST FOR HONORARIA, ETC. Please have all requests for payments for services to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Accounting Department by March 26, 1982. (C) EXPENSE REPORTS Please have all reports for expenses incurred prior to and including March 19, 1982, submitted for approval by March 23, 1982. (D) PURCHASE REQUISITIONS Please have all approved requisitions for the 1981/82 Budget year to the Purchasing Department by March 15, 1982. We also ask that all Deans, Directors and Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Deaprtment for processing by MARCH 26, 1982. LATE SUBMISSIONS FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE MAY BE CHARGED AGAINST THE 1982/83 BUDGET.