* See Personnel Office bulletin board for further information. association of canadian community colleges - OS iT i ON &, association des colléges communautaires du canada 110 Eglinton Ave. West Second Floor Toronto, Ontano M4AR 143 Telepnone (416) 489-5925 Telex 06-217566 WITH SEAMEO CENTRES IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) is pleasedtoannouncethat {| the SEAME0 project isnow ready forrecruitment. Joiningthe ACCC inthis venture, arethe - \M# Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) and the South-East Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will contribute $4.5 million to project activities which will focus on enhancing human resources needed for development. As part of a special effort to facilitate community-based development and to better meet basic human needs, the ACCC and AUCC will provide SEAMEO with Canadian technical and professional expertise, designed to enhance the competence of SEAMEO personne! engaged in community-based development programmes. s 2 This project will support SEAMEO institutions throughout South-East Asia, covering such diverse areas ecology, education, language, agricultural research, tropical medicine, public health and development planning. The following positions are now open and applications are invited: SEAMEO ’ Fleld of Specialization . Centers Location Duration Departure 1. Pesticide Toxicology/ BIOTROP Bogor/West Java/ 12 months July 1966 Ecology Specialist > Indonesia : 2. Nutrition Specialist TROPMED Jakarta/Indonesia 18 months January or ' = fa J i July 1986 ae Sse | 3. Rural Health Specialist TROPMED Tobedecidediater 3months January 1986 Ey o 3months October 1986 = 4.Non-Formal Education INNOTECH Quézon City, 8 months May 1966 Specialist Manila/Philippines 5. Vocational/Technical INNOTECH Quezon City, §& months September 1986 Education Specialist Manila/Philippines . 6. Training Specialist INNOTECH Quezon City, 8 months January 1986 Manila/Philippines - 7. Agricultural Extention SEARCA Los Banos/ 12 months July 1986 Specialist . Philippines 8. Farming Systems SEARCA Los Banos/ 12 months January 1987 Specialist ; Philippines 9. Art Education SPAFA ' Bangkok/ 6 months January 1986 Specialist j Thailand , 10. Integrated Community SEAMES Bangkok/ 12 months January 1986 Development Planning : Thailand (short-term intervals between January 1986 to December 1989) 11. Instructional material RECSAM Penang/West 12 months August 1986 and/or classroom Malaysia and/or evaluation : January 1987 12. Language Training RELC Singapore/ 6.months May 1986 for Adults Singapore 6 months September 1987' Interested candidates may write or contact ACCC International Bureau/ Asia Division for more information.