POwnre| MVAIVcCO SUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 5 Update of Events letter to Bill Day from Barry Leach, faculty member, Kwantlen College, dated November 23, 1982: I am happy to inform you of the following events that have occured during the past few months: - the B.C. Provincial Museum has pub- lished my book, Waterfowl on a Pacific Estuary; - the International Crane Foundation based in Wisconsin has asked me to pre- sent a paper at its International Sym- posium at the Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, India; - the Federation of British Columbian Naturalists has presented me with the rare honour of its Outstanding Service Award. I feel that I cannot accept these honours without full acknowledgement of the debt I owe to Douglas and Kwantlen Colleges and to you, George Wootton, Ken Moore, Jim Doerr, and more recently, to Tony Wilkinson for the generous support and confidence extended towards me in the work that has culminated in the results listed above. Many people have asked me of late if I feel regret that successive finanacial cuts have put an end to the Institutes. I can only reply that I prefer to feel gratified that we had a decade of such far-ranging opportunity. Douglas College provided the means to achieve perceptible changes in public and government atti- tudes towards the environment of the lower Fraser River, and to contribute towards the preservation of several val- uable natural areas in the river's delta and estuary. It is also gratifying that in the international aid field we have been able to establish a vocational training fund that will contimue to be of benefit to students in the villages of India and Nepal in the years to come. Few are so fortunate as to have the chance to participate in several such events. Thea and I extend to you and the faculty, staff, and students of Douglas our warmm- est good wishes for the future on the occasion of taking up occupancy of your new building. Again, my deepest thanks for your past support. Yours sincerely, Barry Leach Witness Sought Would the instructor who witnessed the accident between a red honda and a van on Parking Level 1, December 22, 1982, please call the owner of the honda,Carmen at 937-0378. The instructor has been identified as male and drives a blue truck with a white canopy. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Furnished Suite For Rent - $240.00 per month. — New Westminster —- On bus line. - Includes heat, light & laundry facilities. - Suit female (share bathroom). For information, phone 526-7187. Fitness Classes Fitness classes begin January 17, 1983 for students, staff and faculty of Douglas College. Classes will be taught by fit- ness oriented Douglas College students and will cover all types of work-outs fram aerobics to slow stretch, to calisthenics A schedule will be posted on the gym doors (second floor by the cafeteria.) All classes are free until February 1; there- after a fee of $1 will be charged. For more information, contact Betty Lou Hayes ( local 4830).