MEMORANDUM TO: ALL FACULTY DATE: November 24, 1975 FROM: Bill Day DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES Douglas College Council has authorized a change in format of the Douglas College Diploma which would allow for the creation of a number of Douglas College Diplomas. The idea was originated and recommended by the Curriculum Committee in order to encourage the creation of curriculum fields which would give a level of meaning, order, or pattern that could be helpful or of interest to students. To this memorandum is attached the relevant material that was presented to College Council, and we draw to your attention the advantages and problems inherent in this new approach. Applications for the creation of new Diplomas shall be made to the College-wide Curriculum Committee, giving a full rationale and justification. The College-wide Curriculum Committee will consider the proposal keeping in mind the objectives and concerns expressed in the attached documents, and will make an appropriate recommendation for the consideration of College Council. We look forward to a number of imaginative proposals. way WLDAY/rg c.c.: Heads, Divisional Curriculum Committees Directors Attach.