-If- AL PURDY THURSDAY, 28 Marcu 1974 12 To 2 pm -- SurREY 4-ROoOM COMPLEX As George Woodeock says, Al Purdy is a philosophical poet. He ts at the same time an accesstble poet because he is very much a poet of everyday experience, though when he ts at his best this experience undergoes a poette change from the banal to the truly stgntficant. Because Purdy's experience ts Canadian experience, his poetry ts Canadian poetry. He places his experience-- Canadtan expertence--into the realm of significant human experience, not the category of national experience, thus avotding the easy sentimentality of Canadian nationalism and the tin-plated vacuity of a Pterre Berton. Finally, Purdy ts an engaging personality and a good performer. He reads his own poetry very well. I believe that anyone who can be present at this reading will be glad he has come. EVERYONE WELCOME NO ADMISSION CHARGE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATIONS, DOUGLAS COLLEGE