H ae C ~ Me se I DI Ge 7 sandoldeebeiene CARIBBEAN NIGHT MODIFIED WORK WEEK - EXTENSION DA NCE 2 With the concurrence of the Staff Association and employees involved we are extending the Modified Work Week trial period from 31 March to 31 May, 1974. The purpose of the extension is to give a bit more time to evaluate the trial and also to prevent any disruption of work or service schedules that might have occurred in March if major changes were to occur at the end of the trial. By the end of May we will be conducting another survey of supervisors clients and employees and preparing a final report on the experiment and recommendations on the future of the Modified Work Week at Douglas. An interim report was prepared based on the survey done in February. Copies were sent to participating departments, offices. Additional copies are available from the Personnel Office to interested individuals. Supervisor of Personnel Administation Ne Se id ; \ “INSORED By : DOUGLAS CoLLegi: Women's Associ ron BPD UC APO N-A-Et -L-EA AV E RAKKKKAKKKAKRARKKAAAKK ARKAKAARA Any faculty interested in applying for Educational Leave for Spring Semester, 1975, must apply by Julv 1, 1974. Applications are available from Dr. Porter's office. & an” at ty Co aS C . ye pove” pisy* oe