HAPPY HOUR EACULTYS STAFF PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE MANAGEMENT OF RoyaL CITY CuRLING CLUB LOCATED NEXT TO THE CENTENNIAL CoMMUNITY CENTRE, 6m Ave & CUMBERLAND STREET, WwEW IESTMINSTER TO HOLD A UOUGLAS COLLEGE HAPPY TiOUR 4 PM ~ 6 PM ONE AFTERNOON PER WEEK, THE UPSTAIRS LOUNGE AND BAR FACILITIES WILL BE AVAILABLE TO US, THIS SHOULD AFFORD A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR MEETING WITH COLLEAGUES IN A SOCIAL SETTING, IF YOU HAVE ANY PREFERENCE AS TO WHICH DAY WOULD BE THE MOST SUITABLE, PLEASE CALL ME AT LocaL 250, EW \'ESTMINSTER OR RS, FuR3ER AT Local 227, Ark Si pe pl Ly JAC PERE S-O i, TOz Everyone FROM: Eloise Lincicum, President : Staff Association Neil Hill, Supervisor Personnel Administration RE Modified Work Week Review You will, hopefully, have received or at least seen our survey questionnaire on your reaction to our Modified Work Week experiment. This is a plea for your assistance. Please do complete the questionnaire as fully and honestly as possible and return it to the Personnel Office, New Westminster Campus by 15 February. Even if you were aware of no change in service etc., that too is vital feedback we need. Remember, anonymous feedback is also welcomed from the reticent. Staff who are on a Modified Work Week and their supervisors have, or soon will be receiving a special Survey questionnaire about your reactions to your own situation so please use the "customer" survey to express your reaction to other departments. THANK YOU Thank you. My sincere thanks to everyone Th aie Eloise Lincicum for the kindness you have shown me.. J ss ae ViIea% = Neil Hill ég.