‘Other Editorials & Opinions EDITORIAL Incaseno one noticed, thechange in registration procedures which come into effect this fall, affect one group more than any other - the international students. Another thing you may or may not have noticed is that fees were frozen for everyone except...guess who?...the international students. —_- ‘Well,’ we might say (and have said), ‘they aren’t Canadian, and weshould get first priority when it comesto education.’ But the international students are effectively subsidizing our education. ‘ After the recent increase, it costs an international student $6000 a year in tuition fees to go to Douglas College, $1000a year more than it costs to go to UBC, and $1350 more than it costs to go to SFU, It is possible, but extremely unlikely, that Douglas pays its staff and faculty more than UBC or SFU. If not, itis a fair assumption that at least $1000 per student is NOT spent on that student's education, but onsomeofthecollege’s other expenses. Evenifwedon’ttakeintoaccountthemoney thatinternational students pour into the college, there are other problems they face. They risk deportation if they don’t take at least four courses every semester, and they are low on the priority list for courses. There is no other group at this college which gives so much to Canada and receives so little. The government will not let them work, or apply forstudent loans. There is only one bursary available at Douglas for international students - $300-$400, available for fewerthantenstudents per semester. Theircomplete lack of status, and the threat of deportation in the middle of their studies,makesit practically impossible forinternational students to do anything about rising tuition. Douglas College has proportionally more international students than practically any other regional college, and if those students go elsewhere, fees will have to go up for everyone. The Peak - SFU’s Student Newspaper - printed a story recently about the international student fee increase there. SFU Faculty rep Klaus Rieckholf said "It’s economically stupid fora nation to havedifferential fees. It was politically silly. It was unethical in the sense that historically Canada has sent its sons and daughters to other countries [for education]." Yet the Board of Governors at Douglas College seem to feel no obligation to take the interests of international students into consideration. And Canadian students aren't doing anything about it. Yet, if nothing is done, Douglas College, and the Canadian students who want to study here will be poorer in more ways than one. douglas college’s autonomous student newspaper - since 1976 & June 4, 1992 - The Other Press is Douglas College'sautonomous studentnewspaper since 1976. Being autonomous means neither the Douglas College Students’ Society or the College administration can tell the Other Press what to print. Only you, the students, can decide what goes in the paper by helping out. It means that if someone doesn't like us, they can't shut your voice down for telling the truth. Wereceive our funding froma studentlevy collected from youevery semester at registration, and also from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press, a cooperative of almost 50 student ore from across Canada. We adhere to CUP's Statment of Common Principles and Code of Ethics. The Other Press reserves the right not to publish anything sexist, racist, homophobic, or against the principles of good taste. Letters received by the Other Press should be a maximum of 300 words, typed, and contain the name, program of study, and student number of the reserves the right to edit for space constraints. And double-check your spelling and grammar: letters are printed uncorrected. The collective is the final arbiter of disputes. PHONE - 525-3542 FAX - 527-5095. Staff This Issue The plug on the slug came out on the rug and Jasmine Wilde felt quite smug. But Katherine Montagu grew a vegetable stew that could make it anew and said that's what she'd do. So therefore it was fated that Tim Crumley, breath bated, took the slug thathe hated and had it wrapped up and crated. He passed on the box to Stephen So, that sly fox, who pulled up his jocks and rode on an ox out of town with that box. Phil Dobrikin spied the box on that hide and desperately tried to wrestle with pride the prize. Demise did occur - the slug dies that's for sure - but can Ron McMahon keep from eating his hand when he discovers the plan of the Other Press clan? Or will he get married to Mahdy Sirdehai who tarried after the slug who, already in box, is now buried? Coordinators philip dobrikin advertising - stephen so & hillary tasker arts & review + angus adair features + vacant graphics - angela chiotakos news -« tim crumley office + trevor macneil photos - dawn agno production + trevor macneil sports - marianne berkey editorials & opinion « les bohna classifieds - mike rinneard distribution ~ the Other Press , June 4, 1992 writer (although the latter canbe withheld upon request). The Other Press | Join the OP, | You won't be disappointed. 92573542 - Production once a month through the summer. Staff meetings every Wednesday at 4pm. : a ; aaa