~ were ere me ee ee LS I a _ places in search: é a concert, being both in their cecal “Sixteen er “and eepteh the hold There comes a time in every life when he or,she,must ta this end, a large group of friends and I hopped in an overcrowded vehicle, ate little more than jalapeno chips and sweet tarts, and put some rubber to pavement in search of new venues, new bands, unusual drinking laws, meret funiny- talkingdoe locals. Our destination was Portland, Oregon, more specifically, the Roseland theatre and the Decemberists. This band had enchanted us with their brilliant release, Picaresque, and an alarm- ingly entertaining show at the Commodore last hours, more when you're driving through apoca- lyptic weather, which we were. a We made it a rockers worth checking out. We were. elated to see that the concert we were attending was being recorded to become a tetpiece, “The Tain,” it was clear that this pat bzbeish the hop up and down songs, such as Nowhere ae in modern music do you get the same wonderful combination pirate music, English literature, and indie rock. And, as always, finishing the main part of their set with the infamous “Mariner's Revenge Song,” the mood was more ecstatic than any song,|'ve ever seen. There is still no concert experience that can match being told to scream while a member of the band pretends to eat you with a giant fake whale mouth. Splendid. The following morning, we took in some of downtowm)Portland's neatest attractions Ocheck out the side panel fora list of places to check “the doors to open at the Commodore, where out should you take your own sojourn to fine city. Afterwards, we hauled ass back to Canada, crossed the border without them ev checking out IDs, and made it just in time for they did check ID. Ir seems almost troublesome | “Weapon.” Word on the st the last song Matty will be rent lineup and, not coincid ing in a new, less hard-rock direction next time — Déliverancifi and “Generation X-Wing , Even having been a fan for some six or seven years, I had never heard the former performed live; it filled my cup for the night. This ends one chapter for Matt Good, his still large and dedicated fan base will t now eager: ly await the next part of the story. So get out there. Drive to a faraway land! See three concerts in two days! Follow a band across Canada! It will be something to tell the kids that will take away the pain of being blind, deaf, and dumb from too many concerts.