WIE 2 OP Forum Dear Other Press: | never thought it could happen to me! It all happened just a few weeks ago. | had finished my night class Sociology 110 and heard loud music playing as | walked by the DSU building. No sooner had | entered, than a tall chap carrying a hand-held microphone and wearing.ass-less leather chaps, approached me and asked me to give him my virginity. | replied “I’m not a virgin, I’m German.” He looked at me puzzled and handed me a lukewarm beer and two flyer’s...one for Bella Pizza on 8th and one for an orgy on 12th. | Our loyal OtherPress readers love to share with us their saucy stories of on- campus hotness. Be it a sexy hook-up or a broken air-conditioner, we’ve heard it all. Here’s just a sample of the hundreds of letters that arrive weekly. ordered a large all meat. | didn’t get any homework done, but abracadabra! What a night! Signed Houdini Fan. Dear Other Press | never thought it could happen to me, but I’m in love with Chuck Norris. | can’t get into all the details right now, but you tell me, who doesn't love those high kicks? Frankly, I’m a sucker for any member of the Delta Force...or for that matter, Delta Force 2 or even Delta Force 3 Final Revenge Force. The mere thought of Delta Force 4 “The Ultimate Back Hair Force” drives me into a lustful mad frenzy! P.S. That’s ok, I’ve always got the Western Stranger to rely on. Signed Chuckfan5000 Last Call Amanda Aikman, OP Columnist Dear Amanda, I’ve been dating my girlfriend for almost two years now, and she’s great. We get along perfectly, both emo- tionally and physically, but for some reason I’ve been finding myself sexually attracted to other women lately. And not just any other women—women with hiccups. I know that might sound strange, it certainly seemed strange to me at first, but I can’t help myself. It doesn’t matter what she looks like, or what style of hiccup she has (loud, soft, squeaky, innies and outies—they all do it for me), as soon as I hear a woman taking sharp repeti- tive intakes of air... her throat convulsing sensually...her torso shaking with the strength of the vibrations. ..just the thought of it makes me crazy with desire, I don’t want to cheat on my girlfriend—after all, I love her—but the force of this attraction is overwhelm- ing at times. I haven’t been able to tell my girlfriend about this, and I’ve even taken to getting her drunk just in the hopes of her coming down with a case of those sweet, sweet hiccups. It’s not that I want someone else; but I can’t expect her to have the hiccups all the time, so what can I do? ’'m not sure how much longer I can go on living with this secret. Am I a freak? Sincerely, Hot for Hiccups Dear HFH, In answer to your question—yes, you are a freak. But don’t worry; you’re not alone. Turns out there’s a whole community of freaky hiccup lovers out there. And naturally, like every other group of deviant wack jobs, they’ve taken up residence in their own smutty lit- tle corner of the Internet. Yes sir, take a trip over to www.members.tripod.com/hiccup_lovers for all your hiccup hookups. There are hiccup sound files, hiccup sightings, hiccup fantasy stories, and even video clips of actual hiccupping hotties. What more could a horny hic- cup enthusiast like you ask for? Who knows, perhaps the occasional visit to this den of diaphragmatic spasms will be enough to stop you from straying in the real world. The important thing to remember is that you didn’t choose to get all hot and bothered by singultus (that’s the medical term for hiccups, see how smart I am), you were born that way. Much like I was born to be attract- ed to pasty, dark-haired, moody guitar players. Or any- one with 20 bucks and a bottle of tequila. As for your girlfriend, of course the right thing to do is to be honest with her and tell her all about your unusual proclivity. Who knows, maybe she’ll be into it. Although, if I were her, I’d laugh at you for a very, very long time before telling everyone that would listen all about your creepy fetish—but that’s just me, I’m sure she’s much more sensitive than that. Best of luck, Amanda Aikman Got a question for me? Bring it on, baby. The answers to your prayers, or at least your emails, await at lastcall_op@yahoo.ca