PAGE 16 February 1, 1985 sports For the first time in Douglas College’s history an athletic team has ranked nationally. The event was remarkable as the college saw_two by JAYNE MUSKENS teams reach national acclaim. Both the Douglas College Royals - Women’s, Volleyball and Basketball teams placed ninth in the national top ten, compiled by the Canadian Col- legiate Athletic Association. “ venever hada coach like Al” Al Singh, coach of the volleyball team, credits the success of the club to the ‘‘right’’ mental attitude. “Eighty per cent of the game is psychological; if you’re not prepared mentally, then you just don’t win.’’ Captain of the team Donna Forsyth didn’t think there was ‘‘much hope’’ at the start of the season, but feels the new players have ‘‘come a long way.”’ - Forsyth credits much of the team’s success to coach Singh. ‘‘Al’s coach- ing is what makes the team. I’ve played volleyball for years, and I’ve never had a coach like Al,’’ says Forsyth. ~ Royals hit th tionals 4 MN REELS NOG a eel SES Jonixcur 1984. coach who harps on players. Players benefit a lot more from a sport where they are self-motivated.’ | “the team is basically : : all rookies” Norman also added that his assist- ant coach Mike Garisto deserves some credit for choosing a team with players who possess the ‘‘right posi- tive attitudes’’ and have ‘‘good work ethics.’ As for how Norman feels about the team making the nationals. ‘‘It’s something to be proud of, especially since*the team is basically all rookies, except for three players from last year.’ “serious contenders forthe _ provincial championship Singh does consider his coaching style rather unconventional. ‘My technique goes against the grain of others. | involve the team in manda- tory spiritual exercises the night before the game, and an hour or two before the onset of the match,’’ says Singh. According to Singh, these exercises produce a ‘‘spiritual feeling’, which he considers ‘‘indescribable’’ and the “ultimate athletic experience,’’ where “mind and body are working to- gether.’ At the moment, Singh’s goals for the team are realistic. He is hoping to see his team win the provincial Totem Conference championship games this coming March. Richard Norman, coach of the basketball team considers the success of his club ‘’not geared to one person, but credited to everybody’’ adding “there are not only a lot of good players on the team, but the players are also dedicated and hard-work- ing.’’ mannan’: approach to coaching is that he ‘“expects’’ each team member to be ‘‘responsible’’ and ‘‘able to motivate themselves.’’ Norman said ‘‘I’m not the type of “Coach Norman also said, ‘‘we’re very serious contenders for the prov- incial championship games, but that’s a while away. Right now we’ll just have to wait and see.’’ Although each of the teams are proud of reaching national status, the success has not gone to their heads. The Royals realize that having attain- ed this recognition, they are going to have to work twice as hard just to maintain reputations as two hard- working dedicated teams. After last weekend’s two defeats to Cariboo College, the Douglas College Royals Men’s Basketball team emerg- ed victorious Saturday defeating the ° Ga ee by CYNTHIA KILT | Royals again victorious gai? Malaspina Mariners by a 31 point margin. The Royals held Malaspina point- less for the first five minutes of the game. Then, definitely showing sup- eriority on the court, the Royals were in the lead at the end of the first half with the score 41 to 16. In the second half, the Royals maintained the lead until the final buzzer sounded, clobbering the Mal- aspina Mariners by a final score of 83 to 52. It was the Royal’s second victory of the season. Royal’s Coach Steve Beauchamp, indicated that the Royals had won the game by the end of the first half. ‘‘In the second half, because of this lead, it gave the players time to freelance with the basketball,’’ said Beauchamp. The Royal’s top scorers were: Darrell Digby with 13 points, Bill Matthews and Brian Brown with 11 points each. The next home game for the Royals is February 1, when they take on Vancouver Community Col- lege, game time is 8:15 pm. eee yerewz bhoto by Cynthia Kilt