wantto change. But chanpe is necessary, [our enroll nent iwas up in all areas, that would be no problem; but this, obviously, isn’t the case. We all have courses we like to teach. We may even fevl we can’t do something else. Most of us have M.A. degrees in P.E./ Health or a related field of study. That tclls me you are capable. Whether you feel comfortable or not cannot be a concern of this program. Feeling, comfortable is directly related to getting prepared to leach, Beginning this fall, you may be asked to teach in an dred that is not in your “Comfort Zone.” It will be in one of those areas where we are impacted and need help. 1 will not call on the same people to make all the sacrifices. They will be shared by everyone. Seniority won't be a factor in who changes. We have all been here a long time. | will expect those who have knowl- edye in the area to help you get ready to teach in that area, Ifyou are going to teach Health Education, I'm asking the present Health Education instructors to willingly share their expertise with you, Shape Up if this is going to be a viable program, everyone involved must participate in the total pro- yram. Bruce will be responsible to see that you know how to conduct warm-ups, aerobics and other activities where you are needed. I’ve talked with Bruce about alternate ways to take roll. We want you to feel com- lortable and know what is expected of you. If you are coaching, | will try to get you involved in your off- Season, This hasn’t been a particularly casy speech for me. In tact, | wrote it all out so it would come out right. I have viven this a lot of thought. | want you to feel I'm talking, to you personally and individually. One thing that sticks in my mind is this: B.C. has honored almost all of your requests for time off to attend meetings or to do things you felt were important for you to do. | feel that ifeach of us were asked to make a change to accommodate more students, we should be ready and wealling:. The bottom line is we still have our jobs, and we all have a responsibility to the STUDENTS. Yes, you may be inconvenienced getting yourself ready to make the change. Butif you do the professional job | know you can do, you'll be stimulated by the change. Plus, our department will do a better job for students. I will be responsible for any change in your assign- ment. If there are concerns, I'm the one you need to see. Last week, | made a request for volunteers. Since none were forthcoming, the next step is mine. You'll be hearing from me. Suanne D. Roueche, Editor September 16, 1988, Vol. X, No. 19 hn University of Texas al Austin, 1988 Further duplication is permitted by MEMBER in titubens lor their own personnel EDB 348, The University of Texas at Austin, Austn, Texas 78712, (812) 471 7545 Subsenphors are available io nor: tum members for $35 per year. Funding in part by the WK Kellogg Foundaton and the Sid W Richardson Foundaton Issued weekly when classes are in session during fall and spring terms and once dunng the summer ISSN O19 10eX Thank you for coming. Tlave a good weekend. This meeting, is adjourned. PS. Mr. Johnson was re-elected for another three year term by a 12-1] margin, Walt Johnson, Chair, Health and Physical Education For further information, contact the author at Bakers- field College, 1801 Panorama Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93305.