Reminder Mad Hatter Page 2 In preparation for year-end we ask your co-operation in the following: (A) INVOICES Please return all approved invoices to the Purchasing Department as promptly as possible. Should there be any queries or inaccuracies on invoices, please call so that we are able to complete changes that will affect year-end figures. (B) REQUEST FOR HONORARIA, ETC. Please have all requests for payments for services to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Accounting Department by March 29, 1985. (C) EXPENSE REPORTS Please have all reports for expenses incurred prior to and including March 22, 1985, submitted for approval by March 26, 1985. We also ask that all Deans, Directors, Chairmen and Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Department for processing by March 29, 1985) LATE SUBMISSIONS FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE WILL BECHARGED AGAINST THE 1985/86 BUDGET. Peter Greenwood Student Venture Loan Program Finance and Placement Office. An informa- tion meeting on this program will be held on Thursday, March 22nd, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., in room 2710 (Counselling Centre). Julie Steele The Student Venture Loan program is an | initiative of the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada to create employment and to provide business experience for students. It offers interest free loans, a maximum of $2000 per individual business venture and $3000 per partnership venture, to students who wish to plan and operate their own small businesses. Applications for the Student Venture Loan Program are now available in the Student Student Donations While efforts to increase funding at Douglas College have been a priority for administrators over the past year and a half, the student society has recently taken the onus upon themselves to lend a helping hand. At the student's March 7 Annual General Meeting, a motion was passed to donate $12,500 of student activity money to the Douglas College Student Trust fund. The Student Society last year donated $30,000 tothis fund which provides scholarships and bursaries for students in financial need. Douglas College is hoping to raise $500,000 for the Student Trust before next year. O Senate Approves Donation On March 11, the student senate joined the act and approved the donation of $750 for the purchase of the fifth edition of the ten volume Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians for the Douglas College library. While the library currently has the more comprehensive sixth edition of this refer- ence work, this volume does not contain a chapter on the important music and musicians of the 19th Century, said librarian Ralph Stanton. Stanton also said the library is looking at other methods for raising funds for special purchases, and selected businesses will be asked to assist in purchasing works related to their fields. Although the Douglas College library does have a budget for material purchases, Stanton says this funding is not sufficient to cover every request made for new book oO purchases made by the students. DOUGLAS COLLEGE NEWS SERVICES