MAD HATTER PAGE 2 - To minimize duplication of effort and expense, most of the "DEC stream" users banded together to choose soft- ware for the financial fumctions re- quired. This group is known as the DEC Financial Systems User Group. It has selected and is now implementing integrated systems for General Ledger, Payables, Payroll, and Purchasing in a number of colleges which have access to DEC Hardware. - Seven colleges in the lower mainland formed a group which is studying the feasibility of processing on a common machine at a central site. The intent is to consolidate the administrative functions on this machine(s}. The Ministry is now considering a request for capital funds to enable this pro- posal to go forward in the very near . future. - A number of colleges formed another group which is guiding the enhance- ment of Student Records Package. This package will be available to DEC Users in April 1982. I am Chairman of this development group. The pack- age looks to be excellent for Douglas College's needs but we have not yet committed the College to it. That decision must be resolved before September, 1982. - The Library is active in a proposal before the government to fund a central library cataloguing operation for college, know as B.C. Union Cat- alogue (BCUC). This, if it goes forward, will replace the existing University of Toronto facility (UTLAS). In addition, DEC hardware is being utilized by some colleges to run circulation and periodicals systems and we are watching their progress. - Word Processing has come to demand a lot of attention in recent months. The main question is not whether it is needed, but who is first? There are two areas of interest, with different needs; i) Instructional needs should be met via “stand-alone” (or "shared logic") devices. - equipment will be kept "state of the art" - will provide exposure to the types which are most prevalent in the job marketplace. - controlled environment where the loads on the device are dictated by the instructor. ii) Adminsitrative support needs can be met more optimally via central mainframe device. - word processing via DECWORD/ WORD II - 80% capability of stand-alone units is available. - electronic mail available. - not the same pressure to keep up with technology. - the same devices can be used as general purpose enquiry to' service administrative account- ing and records needs. - The new building has been designed to take advantage of the advances in Office Systems Technology. We have allowed sufficient capacity to handle the elcectronic communication needs of the foreseeable future. Tenders will soon be called to select a Telephone Switch (which these days is a computer of sorts) which will have the ability to handle digital communications internal to the campus allowing "Office of the Future" con- cepts to be implemented as they, and funds, become available.