Other Editorials & Opinions Pink Triangle Day at Douglas February 14 is pink triangle they face. day on college and university cam- The pink triangle was a sym- puses across Canada. bol used by the Nazis during World Have you ever seen anyone where a pink triangle? Have you ever wondered whatitmeans? Well, if you don’t know, it has become a symbol used by the gay, lesbian and bisexual communities to proclaim their liberation from the oppression Warll toidentify gay meninconcen- tration camps because they did not fit the Nazi’s norms of ion. Thissymbolofo; ionhas been reclaimed not only as a symbol of liberation but also of the struggle that continues today. the Other Press Formany people, the triangle has become a symbol of their strug- gleto”come out.” Thatis to say their struggle with not only themselves, but with the rest of society. It has become their validation for the op- pression that society has puton them from childhood, through highschool, and into their adult years. - princi ples of good ta: oe Press should be. a maximum raf 300 ords 8 YO chaoticaround here. Never mind | i ig about the cue ates of hot cheese sand- : Although there has been a greater degree of acceptance of differ- ent sexualities over the years, there is still a long way to go before there is widespread ac ce. The laws of our mets fone ntcharget toaccept same sex relationships. While Canadi- ans from coast to coast to coast talk about amending our constitution to include, distinct society, First Nations rights, a social charter, pro rights, there is no mention of gay rights. Sexual orientation is not recognized in February 11, 1992 theCharter of Rightsand Freedoms. Same sex common law relation- — are not recognized by Cana- dian Law. On top of this systemic de- nial of the expression of love, there is a constant barrage of heterosexismand homophobia. To combat this, a pink triangle cam- paign has been mn biatched this year. Pink Pink Triangle day is a part of that campaign, and is a day of solidar- ity for gay liberation. Other Letters qo_esnsexcseem BCEADS February 28 29 & March 1, 1992, the British Columbia Educa- tional Association of Disabled Stu- dents celebrates 5 years of success- fullyrepresenting British Columbia’s post-secondary students with dis- abilities at their annual conference. Students with Disabilities from across the province will gather together tolearnand gain experience in the role of advocacy. This conference promises to bean event that will shape the future of our organization and the quality of education that students with dis- abilities receive in BC. The main focus of the conference will be creat- ing independent advocates. Not only improving personal skills butconcentrating on group advocacy. Workshop topics will range from employment eq- uity to the status of the Vocational Rehabilitation system in the prov- ince. Registration feesare$75 dol- lars for students, which includes a one year membership in the asso- ciation, and $125 for professionals and associate members. If you would like registra- tion information please write to BCEADS at BC Educational Asso- ciation of Disabled Students, 12666 72nd Ave., Surrey,BC +V3W 2M8, or call 582-1843 or 291-1455. Richard Marion Vice President External DCSS Multiculturalism Week Schedule Monday February 27. 11:00 a.m. Film “Potlach” Room 1614 This video documents the practice of the potlach, acustom of the Kwakiutl Indians of coastal B.C. (55 min.) 12:00 p.m. Music.” Salvador Ferreras” Jack Duncan and Robin Reid. Thea- tre. Well known musicians in the style of _ Afro Caribean Music. 1:00p.m. Music.&Dance “Sabor Latino”, Theatre 2:00p.m Film “Picture conflict” .Room 1614 A film on an art exhibition held in Cologne, with over 1000 works by Europeanand American Artists,such as Georg Baselitz and Markus Luepertz,and Donald Judd.(30 min.) 6:00p.m. Film “Developing images”. Room 1614 Mediacreated stereotypes of the third world.(60 min.) Tuesday February 25 9:00a.m.Workshop. “Teaching in the Multicultural classroom”. Room 1640 How toappreciate cultural diversity in your class. By Heather Luk-Chan. 11:00a.m.Film. “Who speaks for the earth?” Room 1614 A Carl Sagan program about human civilization on our planet. 2:00p.m. Film “Developing images” -Room 1614 Mediacreated stereotypes of thethird world.(60 min.) 2:00p.m. Lecture. “What causes rac- ism?” Room 3820 B.C. Organizationagainstracism will discuss a lecture on theories of rac- ism 6:00p.m. Film. “Picture conflict” Room 1614 7:00p.m. Dance. Famee Furlane Ital- ian Dancing. Theatre 8:00p.m. Dance&Singing. Ukrainian folk singers and dancers. Theatre 9:00p.m. Dance. Croatian dancers. Theatre Wednesday February 26 11:00a.m.. Film “Favorable exchange” . Room 1614 The rewards and obstacles facing Multiculturalism WEEK February 24 - 29 Experience e Learn e Teach i Films, Music, Dances, Drama, Panel Discussion, Essay Contest...and more For more information call 527-5410 young people from abroad whocame toCanada for post-secondary educa- tion. The film portrays the enormous benefits their presencebrings notonly to Canada, but to the larger area of international understanding. (28min) 12:00p.m. Upper Cafeteria will be holding an international food fair, offering a rich menu from Italy, ee ee Mexicoand 2:00p.m. Film. “The land is the cul- ture” Room 1614. This Film shows how B.C. Indians have suffered from the loss of their lands, and therefore their way of life, over the past 100 years, and how they struggle to cling to their heritage. 7:00p.m. Theatre play .”Little white nS Theatre oF lay performed by 5 women of color and different ethnic back- grounds. They will focus ondiscrimi- nation against women of color in the arts and everyday life. 8:00p.m. Dance. Rosario Ancer Fla- menco group. Theatre. Spanish guitar, singing and dancing. 9:00p.m.Dance. Grupo Axede Brazilian night. A transcendental voyage combining native instru- = mental music with high energtic dancing to ethnic rythms. 10:00p.m. Dance. Hungarian folkdanc- ers. Theatre. Thursday February 27 11:00a.m. Film “Brighter moon”.Room 1614. A Film about Hong Kong interna- tional students in Canada. 2:00p.m. Film. “Song for Quebec”. Room 1614 Thisis a film about love and passion, abouta couple whose life is bound to the emergence of the world . Itis also auniquestory of the Quebecnatinalist movement.(60 min.) 2:00p.m. Lecture. “Prejudice & dis- crimination” . Room 3820 This lecture will be given by Mr. Sid Bentley, representing the teachers federation of B.C. 6:00p.m.Film. “Growing upnext door”. Room 1614 This film about growing up in the thrid world prob! three teenagers. They talk cee their goals, aspira- tions, and hopes for the future , pate dreams which are not so different from those teenagers in North America. Friday February 28 11:00a.m. Lecture. “Constitutional reform and Multiculturalism”.Room 3410 Lecture will be held by Dr. Bernardo Berdeschewsky, representantive of the Canadian ethno- cultural -coun- cil. 11:00a.m. Lecture. “Religious thought of India”. Room 3408 This lecture will be held by Mr. Sid Bentley, representing the teachers federation of B.C. 12:00p.m. Westcoast poetry , by Robert. Room 1614 1:30p.m. .New views on your body in space, by Dean Fogal, director of Corporeal Mime Studio Vancouver..Room1313.sand sel-con- fidence as you move through space. 2:00p.m. Film. “Meeting place” .Room 1614. Does Multiculturalism work? This film shows the hopes and strug- gles of some of the thousands of peopleimmigrating toCanada every year. (53 min.) 3:00p.m. Lecture. “Origins ofdiscrimi- nation”. Room 3820. Held by the B.C. Human Rights Coaliton. Saturday, February 29 11:00a.m. Film. “Priorities & perspec- tives”, Room 1614. Women from various traditions, in- cluding Buddhists, Sikhs, Moslems, Hindus, Jews ,and Christians iden- tify issues of particular concern to their communities. (60 min.) 12:00p.m. Dance. “International Folk Dancers” Concourse. 2:00p.m. Film. “Through ignorance or design: a discussion of stereotypes”. Room 1614. How are we affected by often un- knowingly held misenterpretations of others customs and beliefs? The discussion challenges the false, dam- aging images caused by ignorance or oe histone colvaral "Gad media stereotypes.(60 min.) 6:00p.m. “Canadian portraits” .Room 1614. Do immigrants contribute to our present Canadian society? This film represents a tribute to Canadian cul- tural diversity, focusing on immi- grant’ssuccessand the problems they face as minority groups. (29 min.) 8:30p.m. Party time. Great dance at the upper cafeteria .Dance tothe beat of Multiculturalism.