INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / FEBRUARY 5, 1991 Full Services For People With Disabilities In Coquitlam, President’s Commission Told Tie second President’s Commis- sion hearing on the new Coquit- lam campus was marked by presentations from the B.C.Govern- ment Emplovees Union, the Educa- tional and Student Services Division, and Disabled Student Services. Gladys Loewen, Co-ordinator of Disabled Student Services, em- phasized the need for specific learning options for students with learning disabilities. “The needs of all faculty, staff, and students with disabilities must be met,” she said. Loewen went on to identify ser- vices such as “loops” and visual fire alarms for the hearing-im- paired, voice-braille printers, and talking calculators, among others. “The employees of Douglas College enjoy working here, and we want to be able to offer the best for the student population,” said Glenn James, speaking on behalf of the B.C.G.E.U. “We would like to see a variety of programs of- fered at the new campus.” Academic, technical, career, and continuing education programs are important, he said. Al Atkinson, Dean of Educa- tional and Student Services, noted in his presentation that a full range of student services will be neces- sary in the Coquitlam campus. “They must be highly visible, centrally located, and easily acces- sible,” he said. Atkinson also said that, while All workshops in ROOM 4211 TEST ANXIETY STRESS MANAGEMENT ABOUT SHYNESS TEST PREP HINTS Personal Development Workshops Free to all Douglas College Students. No pre-registration required. ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATIONS ‘lues. Feb. 12, 2:00-4:00, Janet Currie HOW RELATIONSHIPS DEVELOP Thurs. Feb. 14, 12:00-2:00, Beth Morris ‘Tues. Feb. 26, 2:00-4:00, Janet Currie SURVIVING THE END OF RELATIONSHIPS Thurs. Feb. 28, 12:00-2:00, Beth Morris ‘Tues. March 5, 2:00-4:00, Alena Strauss Thurs. March 7, 12:00-2:00, Beth Morris PROCRASTINATION - THE ART OF PUTTING THINGS OFF Thurs. March 14, 12:00-2:00, Alena Strauss Tues. March 26, 2:00-4:00, Janet Currie the facility must be planned as an integrated partner with the other campus sites, planning should enable the new campus to be autonomous sometime in the fu- ture. “It must be planned as a comprehensive entity, as it may someday exist as a separate institu- tion.” Presentations from the Faculty Association, Alumni Association, and the Student Society will be heard at the next President’s Com- mission hearing, to be held Tues- day, February 12, at 7pm in the Douglas Room. For further infor- mation on the President’s Commis- sion, call Christina Symons at local 5393. DID YOU KNOW...? eee It wasn’t unti! 1975 that smok- ing in class was outlawed at Douglas College. Before that, smok- ing and drinking coffee had been permitted. In fact, before the new rule, students had dropped cigarette butts and poured left-over coffee through the spaces between the floor boards lining the portables. Smoking was banned from the New Westminster campus building on August 1, 1990. @ Correction: Founda- tion Grants Applications for internal grants for college projects must be submitted to the Foundation Of- fice in Room 4800A by FEBRUARY 8, 1991 for review by the Board of Directors in March. In the last newsletter, it was incorrect- ly stated that the deadline was February 15, 1991.