A association of canadian community colleges association des colleges communautaires du canada Hin fylinton Ave West Second Floor Torente, Ontano MAR LAR Iieleptione (416) 489 5925 Telex O68 217566 October 16, 1986 Mr. William L. Day President Douglas College P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Bill, As part of the ACCC MAKING CANADA PRODUCTIVE project, may I encourage your institution to prepare case studies now for submission in early 1987. Again this year we hope to have the Minister of Employment and Immigration present the awards at a special ACCC Conference '87 luncheon on June 4th. We are hoping for a similar repeat of the successful program we did last year, where many useful examples of college/employers collaboration were documented and presented. Attached is an outline of an amended format which places more emphasis on curriculum and alternate delivery methods. Our achievements in serving industry and others have been Significant. However, as we learned last year through the MAKING CANADA PRODUCTIVE Workshops, we do not talk enough about notable activities. Again, please document some interesting cases and forward these to the ACCC Secretariat. Collectively your examples with those of others deliver a powerful message about Canada's colleges and institutes. Sincerely, Are ee Yves Sanssouci President Enclosure